Frustrating Paint problem
I am trying to paint an object I have and several faces won't paint. If I hit the shift and do the whole thing at once the paint goes onto all faces. But I don't want to do that. I want to paint only certain faces and when I click on them absolutely nothing happens. It doesn't matter what paint material I use.
Any ideas why only certain faces of an object will fill in and not others?
Maybe the faces are all grouped? If so double click on the group or the component and then you can paint a single face.
I have exploded the figure so nothing is grouped. The back of a cube I made will NOT paint as well as a couple of other surfaces... I just don't understand.
Could you post the model?
I got it, thanks. I just worked backwards from your suggestion and re-grouped everthing and then double-clicked and painted individual surfaces. It's working now. THANKS!