[Plugin][$] RoundCorner - v3.4a - 31 Mar 24
Just loaded this plugin for the first time. I drew a circle and, using the default parameters, clicked to proceed and got this
Not sure what it is, but it sure neat
Black hole generator maybe.
Now on to more serious testing.
you have to change the default parameter (1000mm) to a smaller value or draw a bigger circle.
@jean-franco said:
you have to change the default parameter (1000mm) to a smaller value or draw a bigger circle.
Yes, I knew that but just wanted to see what would happen with the randomly sized circle I drew.
Still a fascinating result!
@bob james said:
Still a fascinating result!
Actually creating black holes and big bang effects was the primary goal of the plugin. It is just a side effect that it sometimes round edges and corners, but promised, I'll fix this inconvenience:D
This is great stuff! thank you so much for your effort!
Another outstanding plugin, thank you. I was especially amazed at your brilliant and innovative use of openGL for the toolbar - it opens another world of possibilities I had never considered... who needs WebDialogs?
@jim said:
Another outstanding plugin, thank you. I was especially amazed at your brilliant and innovative use of openGL for the toolbar - it opens another world of possibilities I had never considered... who needs WebDialogs?
This is true - I can think of a number of plugins that could do with OpenGL type UI instead of webdialogs. I hope I can master it for Selection Toys 2.0
@unknownuser said:
Actually creating black holes and big bang effects was the primary goal of the plugin. It is just a side effect that it sometimes round edges and corners, but promised, I'll fix this inconvenience:D
And here we get a glimpse of another side of Mr. Fredo6, in case any of you thought he was just a tarball of code.
A salute to you Fredo6.
fredo, RoundCorner can be applied in the future to generate edges, with shape conical?
as in the picture, but for more complex forms
truly SUPERB, will definitely try this one, THANKS A LOT!
@unknownuser said:
fredo, RoundCorner can be applied in the future to generate edges, with shape conical?
as in the picture, but for more complex forms
Unfortunately, the script is not able to manage rounding with variable radius. It would be a different approach, both for the GUI and for the calculation (and a headache for programming in the general case).
Fredo, You did something in this script that I don't think has been accomplished before. Namely, you allow the user to exit and switch tools in the middle of a calculation. This is also the only tool that allows me to switch to another window while it processes without the screen turning white and going to into the spinning circle icon. Is this something other coders could implement, or is it something specific you did within your LibFredo plugin????
yup i agree truely a pioneer, i love this pluggin so much i feel i need to post again and say thank you
@earthmover said:
Fredo, You did something in this script that I don't think has been accomplished before. Namely, you allow the user to exit and switch tools in the middle of a calculation. This is also the only tool that allows me to switch to another window while it processes without the screen turning white and going to into the spinning circle icon. Is this something other coders could implement, or is it something specific you did within your LibFredo plugin????
This is actually tricky but with no magic. I can be done by everyone. I just cut the calculation into slices and give back control to GUI from time to time.
For Ruby programmers: Threads do not work well in SU7, because SU deactivates the main GUI thread for speed, and anyway, this method leads to twice the time when not interrupted. So I default back to the old good UI.start_timer. -
How long do you set the timer's timeout to?
@thomthom said:
How long do you set the timer's timeout to?
Currently 1 second, to give some quick feedback when the user press Escape or click in the viewport.
Brilliant Fred06! Great programming!!! I really really wonder whether Google looks to these plugins, because you can't really model without them actually...But nevertheless they couldn't do better then you've done! Great!
Pep -
thank you very much, fredo. another fantastic plugin. the ammount of control you give to the user, while keeping it easy to use is really great.
I am very grateful. that is one functionality dearly needed in SketchUp...
Thank you fredo!
If you start to use, you canยดt live without it anymore!