[Plugin][$] RoundCorner - v3.4a - 31 Mar 24
@dave r said:
The faces are too small and endpoints of lines are too close together. Reduce the number of segments used to create the radius. You don't need as many as you are using for that tiny radius anyway.You might also scale a copy of the component up before running the Round Corner plugin. Once you've finished editing the component, close the scaled up copy and delete it.
didnt work.I created copies of the components. Scaled them up and edited the big copies. Closed them. When I fix the model for errors, the errors still appear.
it´s all somewhat funny, because I am using the same roundcorner sizes at other furniture models and that problem is not ocurring on them!
edit... the problems occur EVEN when I deleted the original sized components from the model and left only the big ones. Then I run the script with 2 cm round corner instead of 2mm...
and when I try to fix the problems in the model, the same holes appear, in the 10x larger models!
I'll admit I can't see what the problem is, but there is something strange happening in your model. It behaves the same for me.
If I copy the frame into a clean file it works perfectly.Edit: I just noticed you are trying to do a 2mm round, I don't believe that is possible, it's simply too small. You may as well just soften the edge.
If you were trying to use the process I outlined, it would fail because you are using groups, not components like I said to use.
@dave r said:
If you were trying to use the process I outlined, it would fail because you are using groups, not components like I said to use.
I attached the original file. When I tried the process you outlined, I transformed each group in a component, but I did not sent THAT file because it did not work anyway, so I did not save it.
@box said:
Edit: I just noticed you are trying to do a 2mm round, I don't believe that is possible, it's simply too small. You may as well just soften the edge.
yes, the funny thing however is that I used the 2mm round on other files and it worked quite well. Also, as pointed out, I DID transform the models into components, scaled them up 100x and made 22 centimeters round. Still, the same error happened, so I suppose it´s not related to the scale of the model or the round.
Yeah, I take it back, just made a new one with a 5sided 2mm round and no problems. So there is something screwed up in your file.
@box said:
Yeah, I take it back, just made a new one with a 5sided 2mm round and no problems. So there is something screwed up in your file.
I will read a bit about quantum physics right now. Its certainly easier to understand than the inner workings of Sketchup
I've been using the Fredo tools for years.
Unfortunately, after upgrading to a retina MacBook Pro, they are unusable - since the dialogs and fonts are tiny and unreadable. -
@rfriedr1 said:
I've been using the Fredo tools for years.
Unfortunately, after upgrading to a retina MacBook Pro, they are unusable - since the dialogs and fonts are tiny and unreadable.That's a known problem on Retina screens.
I hope the SU team will provide a fix or workaround, since there is nothing that can be done at the moment from the Ruby API.
Always have a Bug Splat!
Already reinstalled the pluguins (both LibFredo and RoundCorner) and have the same problem...
I'm trying to roundcorner the top of a cilinder. It works with that geometry right?!
Yes. It works with a cylinder. How big is the cylinder? How big is the roundover? How many segments in the radius? Do you have the Vray plugin installed? Or any of the other plugins known to cause problems?
Please complete your profile with SU version and OS.
It's a 3 cm radius; 0.5 cm height; 0.2 cm roundover (roundover mean the area that the edge will curve, doesn't it?); 100 segments'circunference; I have Vray 1,6 installed.
The plugin works, but at the same time I close the command I have that bug spalt. I've tried with rectangles too and have the same problem (200 x 60 x 2 cm).
Disable Vray and try again.
If you don't know how to do that, just navigate to the plugin folder (usually found at C:\Program Files (x86)\SketchUp\SketchUp 2013\Plugins) and rename the vray .rb to .rb! and it won't load.
The Vray plugin is well known to cause other plugins to have problems.
100segments on a radius that small could also be problematic. At least for testing use the default 24 sided circle and no more than 12 segments for the roundover.
Hi, Ben:
Pay attention to the offset distance and segment number. It appears your offset distance is greater than the width of the faces. -
I have installed the round corner plugin and I get this message.
"Module RoundCorner requires Sketchup version greater than 5.0.160. Current Version is 13.0.3689"
Does anyone know how to fix?
Where did you download Round Corner from? Did you also update Lib_Fredo6 at the same time? If not, do so.
That's a very old version error message - those errors are fixed in the newer versions.
Get the newest you can [PluginStore!] AND the needed Lib - all as Dave says