Select Perimeter Edges only
I don't think he has loop selection of edges--only faces at this time. I might be wrong. He may have updated it. What I am suggesting is already a native tool in Blender and a few other solid modelers.
Selecting a loop of edges could become problematic unless you had options to select at the bifurcations of a heavy triangulated model. Of course, Zorro would make short work of it unless that would be too heavy handed--in some cases a dispassionate slasher.
mitcorb -
Edge Loop, could anyone post a screenshot of what that means? A "Loop" can be interpreted as many things.
Here you go.
The thing about these kind of selections, how do you expect them to work on irregular shaped objects? How do they work in other applications?
If it assumes that the shape is made out of triangles or quads things are very easy.
See TopMod
Have cool loops selection
And it's a crazzy prog(here old version)
Yes, Remus and Pilou:
That is what would be called edge loop selection.
Now, what if the volume were made up of only triangle faces? or a combination of both quads and triangles(either hard or soft edges)
You would want to select the shortest edge loop around the volume, or the longest loop around the volume, or some specific path. You could then duplicate the path in order to subdivide, or do a follow me with an added figure, or an array copy--or whatever. -
Here is a good explanation of edge loop.
Edge loop terminates if there 3 or 5 (or more junctions), so for a mesh build with only triangle faces there is no edge loop. -
Thanks. That helps alot. Such a function is easy to add.
@unknownuser said:
In a stricter sense an edge loop is defined as set of edges where the loop follows the middle edge in every 'four way junction'
I'll add that shortly to my Selection Toys plugin.
Only thing is, from the screenshot in that article, I don't think the quad faces are planar. So in SU there'd be a hidden/soft edge across. I could make the script ignore hidden/soft edges, as an option perhaps.
@thomthom said:
I don't think the quad faces are planar.
That's possible. So option to ignore soft/hidden faces would good.
But how many model in SU in such a manner? With only quad faces? With hard edges (with or without soft edges that splits the quad.)
If an edge loop selection terminates at a 3 or 5 junction, do you see this as terminating the selection or retaining the selection up to the junction? And thereafter the selection is made edge by edge, adding to the path, or restarting the loop selection without losing what has been selected before. Just some thoughts.
How many people model like this, you ask. Because I have some limited experience with Blender, I often think in terms of that workflow (wishing that Sketchup had that versatility) as I model in SU.
In my opinion, this loop selection capability (and your current Selection Toys) is at least as important as the Point Merger tool recently developed and Select only Visible.Somewhere out there is the Grand Unified Modeling Program....or GUMP for short. (edit: add small chuckle)