SketchyPhysics 3x June 27 version.
Thanks guys! One thing I'm finding with the cloth is it tends to collide with itself. That seriously slows stuff down, and it's not really neccessary for a semi-realistic simulation. Can we have object-specific collision detection? So, give the choice to either collide with everything, collide with everything except '...', or collide with nothing but '...'. Keep it pretty intuitive, so using a string finds objects of that name, a var for specific objects, and let us put them into an array if needed.
So, on the cloth, I'd name all the bars the same, and tell them to collide with everything except each other. You might also be able to make a crude fluid flow effect by creating spheres that only collide with the static mesh.
I love the new Script field and script but I was wondering is there any way you can control a scripted joint with a slider or key.
YES!! The simulation finally registers in-simulation created objects!
@wacov said:
Thanks guys! One thing I'm finding with the cloth is it tends to collide with itself. That seriously slows stuff down, and it's not really neccessary for a semi-realistic simulation. Can we have object-specific collision detection? So, give the choice to either collide with everything, collide with everything except '...', or collide with nothing but '...'. Keep it pretty intuitive, so using a string finds objects of that name, a var for specific objects, and let us put them into an array if needed.
So, on the cloth, I'd name all the bars the same, and tell them to collide with everything except each other. You might also be able to make a crude fluid flow effect by creating spheres that only collide with the static mesh.
In the physics engine you would need materials to do that. So don't expect it until SPIV.
One thing you could do that might speed things up is to change the connect script to something like this.
ontouch{|t,s,p| connect(t,"ball") if frame==1 #empty the ontouch event after the first frame. #this will ensure that ontouch isnt called again. ontouch{} if frame>1 }
@phy said:
I love the new Script field and script but I was wondering is there any way you can control a scripted joint with a slider or key.
Not yet.
But I will do that next.
JaViXP it will work better if you change the onend to this:
onend{ group.erase! }
Will we be able to embed sound files anytime soon?
I tried something similar to javixp's line generator, but the groups I generated are not registered.
I dont know about the sound. I havent touched that code in a while, but I will see if it still works and let you know.
Me too! Self connecting joints are a feature I have been trying to achieve since version 1. I HATE the JCT. Its hard to explain, tedious to use and is the reason you cant copy jointed objects. Its THE major reason I started SPIV. So, I am really glad it turns out to be possible in SP3.
Here is an example of a very simple camera system.
The first example puts the camera eye at the position of the sphere and looking at [0,0,0].
The second example finds the cone in the scene and looks at that. Note you can drag the cone and the camera will follow.
The commands parameters are location of the eye, the target and the "up" direction.
The camera is the same as the camera in the Sketchup API:
Now we can create multi-roll games!
@cphillips said:
JaViXP it will work better if you change the onend to this:
onend{ > group.erase! > }
Thanks, now it's much better (After a few times playing the animation it becomes kinda slow).
PhysicsGuy, well done I like your boxes creator, but there are too much boxes and it'll make the simulation laggy.
MAN! That camera is unbelievablly good.
It does not work for me
It's only half-SP related, but how do you move the ends of a script-created line using script? I've given up trying to replace existing lines on-the-fly, I figure it'd be easier to make them at the beginning of the simulation (or, if possible, before it), then move them every frame. They'd just be there to hold the faces for cloth, and something else I've got planned
EDIT: Figured it out! Took alot of searching around, the API documentation isn't all that helpful
I'm SURE this one's overcomplicated, but it's the only way I could find.EDIT: Hopefully, I've fixed the problem
That's wierd, but it should be fixed now.