ARmedia Plugin don't install on Vista
I have a Notebook with Vista Business 32 bits and I tryed to install the ARmedia Plugin, but when I execute it, the follow message appear "ShellExecuteEx failed; code 8235. A reference was returned from the server".
Any ideas?
Best regards,
Vinicius Deschamps
Are you running the installation as administrator?
Hi thomthom,
I will edit this post right now and I see your answer. Yes, the user is a admnistrator and the UAC is disable, but I try install when UAC was enable too.
You might need to right click on the install icon and choose "Install as Administrator".
Sorry for my ignorance....What is the 'ARmedia Plugin'?
Augmented reality plugin for SketchUp. Its pretty cool!
Check out the videos of it.
Oh that one.... I forgot about it.
Thanks for reminding. -
I have already choose this option, but the same error keep appear.
Vinicius Deschamps
I don't know how much more troubleshooting we'll be able to do here. Its a bit more technical then we can answer for. You should just go contact the people who actually write the software over at InGlobe. If anyone can help it would be them
Well I make the contact via email and they told me as the same answers you did. But I tell them that steps didn't work, and now I am waiting for another answer.
If I receive any news I will put in here.
Thanks about the help, ok?
Vinicius Deschamps
Hi everybody,
The Help of Inglobetechnologies sent to me a "fix" for my problem, as follow:
Try to Disable "User Account Control: Only elevate executables that are signed and validated" option; and
Try to Disable "User Account Control: Only elevate UIAccess applications that are
in secure locations" optionAnd it works, so if anyone have this problem, this can be resolve.
Vinicius Deschamps