Bush Lodge - Vray - updated
Another great one Freeagent!
As we can expect coming from you: pro stuff!Was it hard to find that thatch texture? (I am kind of looking for one myself for a 'cabana style' thing ...shhht )
not too hard i made it myself from sample from cgtextres, the cabana style would have a different thatch i imagine, a loose look and lighter, this thatch is more common in my neck of the woods...
image takes up too much forum space if u like i could email it to you?
Very nice, as always.
However, I noticed that the textures of the stone wall in the bottom image doesn't match where the vertical side meets the horisontal.
Great images.
Can you share the grass effect?
This is fantastic, this is so Kruger park feeling. I love the way you integrate photo with render to a point that the mind cannot tell them apart.
I need to learn your method.Excellent work again mate.
The leadwood branch at the fire pit is a great touch.
Question - what are the metal structures filled with rocks?
Some parts of the grass look like if they were rendered (the bright yellow bunch of grass is repeated).
I try myself how to get realistic looking landscape and plant models, because photoshopping is only good for still images, not for animations. -
This is really brilliant, well done
Beautiful and very professional.
Free Agent, you are the master of exteriors. I'm dying to see the raw render. How much time do you usually spend on a project like this?
Great renders Free Agent. Your stuff is just brilliant. Btw gabion wall texture look good. Care to share.
just excellent work
you do a query, the heavens that you typically use? like doing? are made in photoshop or images? -
Very impressive. They belong to the best shown here ever. These would have stood well in the recent "Photo or render?" thread.
@arail1 said:
Question - what are the metal structures filled with rocks?
I believe they are Gabion Walls, ala the Dominus Winery by Herzog and DeMeuron. They really have some fantastic light qualities, and I would image around such a large fire pit create quite the cozy, warm atmosphere.
These Vray for sketchup images just seem to get better and better.. congrats!
congrats freeagent love your renders
WOW!! This it's perfect, simply the best I've seen so far!
Congratulations! -
Hey thanks for the kind words, i'll try answere all comments:
Thomthom: i belong to the school of "close 'nuff" so i leave fine detail like that out, i'll update though
Earth mover: Raw renders attached, and this was a big job, with about 30 houses of different styles and settings, really helped hone my skills
due to a tight deadline i had to build and render 2 a week (some models were partially built... not this one) but i took my time on this one cos most of the textures here i made myself from pics at cgtextures.
arail1: Gabion Walls as dpimpc said
tom2: sorry for ruining your day
sepo: i'll upload the whole wall when i get home
rcossoli: the raw renders should answere that question
the grass is just overlays from various photos and ornamental grasses from photoshop plant libraries, i'll an image of the photoshop file without the render in it u can see the amount of overlays.
thanx again