Poly->NURBS workflow
Unless im missing something that only converts each polygon face in to a NURBS surface, so not very useful if you want a working NURBS model.
You have Moment of Inspiration (Moi) who has inside a direct export to Sketchup(skp)
(one of the best converter Nurbs --> polygons: obj ) -
NURBS to polygons is easy, though!
Dear Remus,
The mesh to NURBS converter claims to produce .sat files. Most solid modellers import .sat file quite happily, although one cannot change the model after importing. Many component suppliers supply .sat file of their components (e.g. Swagelok), which can still be useful.
Watkins, I see what you mean, but i'm more interested in whether the workflow i mentioned originally (or any workflow) can produce working NURBS surfaces.
pilou, i meant relatively easy compared to going from polys to NURBS.
@unknownuser said:
NURBS to polygons is easy, though!
Yes easy possible but not so easy! (inverse is quasi impossible when you have complex object
Why not so easy?
Because quality of the result of converting is very different following the programs!
The "mesher" will make all the difference! -
@remus: Ok, more clear like that
T-Splines is a great tool for combining Poly modeling and Nurbs Modeling workflows. In fact its somewhat akin to a Nurbs based solution for generating subdivision surfaces. The meshes that to converts to T-Splines are meant to be SubD-style meshes as opposed to just any old mesh, but it does convert most meshes very well into T-splines objects. Using T-Splines with regular Nurbs is really easy as well, since a nurbs surface converts directly to T-Splines and T-Splines will create Nurbs surfaces (poly surfaces mostly). That's not to say that a nurbs surface going in will end up with the same surface topology after working/modifying it as a T-Splines object but there won't really be any loss of information in the conversion.
T-Splines is just a Rhino/Maya plugin, so just be aware of that. I don't believe that there are any other platforms that are under development.
Cheers damien, i might have to start downloading a few demos now, t-splines sound quite interesting.
arguably you could then output from rhino into 3ds i guess