Ruby console remember size between calls and sessions
It would be nice if the Ruby console could remember its size between calls and sessions.
When I close and reopen it in one session it always gets a default size.
The same is with separate sessions. -
The Console's XY screen location is remembered in the registry BUT it seems it size is not...
It remembers its size on my machine. I run Vista. I also have Jim's Ruby developer plugin installed, but I don't use it really since it might have some Vista 64bit compatibility issues.
Yeah, that's one reason I made the ruby toolbar . It remembers the position and size of the Console.
Windows only.
Aha! There you have it, it must be that that part of the script is working well (resetting it - emptying it does not work on my Vista machine though I think. I'll check again later).
Hello Jim,
Just download your ruby-toolbar and I will give it a try tomorrow.
Is such added logik also possible for the DC 'Components options' window?
@hpw said:
Hello Jim,
Just download your ruby-toolbar and I will give it a try tomorrow.
Is such added logik also possible for the DC 'Components options' window?
Well maybe, but I thought there was options in the DC Attributes Dialog to set the DC Options Dialog size. I can't look at the moment.
Your memmory serves you well Jim. There is in fact width and height controls built into DC's that control their component Options window. In the Component Attributes window, click on "Add attribute" and the options are at the bottom. Dialogwidth and Dialogheight.
Can you show the attributes (Dialogwidth and Dialogheight) looks in the dictionary? (I do not have SU 7 Pro yet)
Using this snippet:
Sketchup.active_model.selection[0].definition.attribute_dictionary('dynamic_attributes').each_pair { |k,v| puts k + '; ' + v.to_s }
from here: -
Found it by try_and_error:
sel_def.set_attribute 'dynamic_attributes', 'dialogwidth', '460' sel_def.set_attribute 'dynamic_attributes', 'dialogheight', '900'
Sure, this is from a simple dynamic component, that only has dialog height and widtrh asigned to it.
_dialogheight_label: DialogHeight
_dialogwidth_label: DialogWidth
_formatversion: 1.0
_has_movetool_behaviors: 0.0
_lastmodified: 2009-05-06 22:59
_lengthunits: INCHES
_name: Component#1
dialogheight: 560
dialogwidth: 345
nilHope that helps,