Indigo Going Commercial
A sad day indeed, but the developer deserves it really.
He does. I'm curious what functionality he'll add to set the commercial release apart from the last free one. I'm also curious whether Whaat and the other exporter devs will be prepared to continue their work on a voluntary basis. I for one wouldn't mind paying for SkIndigo, considering it's a gem of a plugin.
Well, if Indigo goes commercial, I could imagine the developers of the plugins be "compensated" by Indigo itself. After all, this is how they'd get customers.
I hope Nick Chapman realises that. I for one wouldn't use Indigo if it weren't for Whaat's plugin - too hard!
It is interesting how Indigo will develop and how it will find its own way through the market. Competing with Maxwell and Fryredner it is a big challenge.
It's sad really.
Not that the developer doesn't deserve retribution for his work...The commercial unbiased market is becoming crowded.
i made a statement some time ago on the indigo web site suggesting it would go commercial, and i was cut to shreds!
Cmon' it only made sense to me then and still makes sense to me now. its a great renderer, perhaps better than some of the expensive ones. in my mind there was never a doubt, and why not, it takes a lot of work and we're (users) not charity cases. -
I would like to hear from Whaat on this. what's your take on this; did you know it was coming; have they contacted you on your exporter; if not would you have wasted so much time and effort if you'd have known it was going commercial?
I cant imagine they havent got the exporter developers involved, as without them indigo is pretty useless.
oh nice.. just in time for the OS X release..
I missed where it said going commercial meant there would no longer be a no-cost version. Why couldn't there be a commercial and a free version? (like SketchUp)
That looks to be the plan:
@xrok1 said:
I would like to hear from Whaat on this. what's your take on this; did you know it was coming; have they contacted you on your exporter; if not would you have wasted so much time and effort if you'd have known it was going commercial?
In all honesty, I did not know that Indigo would go commercial. As for me, I'm still on the team and I hope to stay on the team. Things are quite chaotic right now but I am sure that in time, things will get sorted out and the users will be getting a higher quality product with much better documentation and customer support.
Whaat -
Heres a little extract form their forum about the free version:
@unknownuser said:
There will always be a free version of Indigo - it's going have a maximum resolution of about 0.7 megapixel, and a watermark in the bottom right saying that it's rendered with indigo and for non-commercial purposes (in little writing).
I'm dying to see a feature list. What'll be their unique selling proposition? As Tomasz pointed out, going up against Fry and Maxwell won't be easy.
If it were me, I'd concentrate on workflow and support. As far as the workflow part is concerned, I hope Whaat fully realises precisely how important his plugin is. (And I'm guessing he does.)
If it was me i'd certainly be pushing in the workflow direction. From my very limited experience of the max and fry plugins they both shadow in comparison to whaats masterpiece, but then max and fry both have standalone studio applications, so i suppose it is less important.
another extract from benns post on the subject:
@unknownuser said:
- Better installers
- Better plugins
- Better documentation
- More feaures
- Faster Indigo - we have some cool tricks up our sleeves
I'm intrigued to know what 'more features' will be.
Fry doesn't have a standalone app, as far as I know. MW does have one, of course, but it does very little for workflow. Quite the contrary: it's the buggiest, clunkiest app I've ever used. Junk.
I've been considering dumping MW in favor of Fry, as I've grown severely dissatisfied with NL's approach to a number of things. ("A bug, you say? We'll fix it ... manana." Them NL boys should be very happy I don't live in Madrid.) If the commercial version of Indigo is any good - and I like what I read in Benn's post - I may consider getting that one instead.
Hmm, all sorts of interesting possibilities here! Make basic model in SU, export to modo for refinement and texturing, export again to Blender for camera setup etc, load mats made with SkIndigo ...
Might be cool.
I'm wondering if Lux will rise to the challenge and fill the void that indigo will leave... I've used it a tiny bit with blender and was extremely impressed. Not only the program was great (even had inbuilt noise removal controls), but the plugin for blender is amazingly well integrated. If they could do that for SU, and yes plans have been made to do this I think, then that would be very interesting indeed!
Lux Render sure looks like a valid alternative to the free Indigo.
It will take a while though to make a SU plugin that is par to the quality of Skindigo......but yeah, bring it on! -
I use Kerkythea but I am waiting for a Luxrenderer plugin. I prefer to use opensource tools. If I can't, I use free alternatives. And I believe that there are at this momment a lot of renderers, so I can choose.
(Anyway I use the free version of sketchup and I am trying to export the .skp to blender. It's complex and it's being under discussion in another thread. My models are very heavy).
A quote from Benn regarding pricing: "We will run an introductory price of 295€ for a lifetime licence to Indigo (free upgrades for life) for some months, then full price will be 595€."
Not bad at all, but considering times are tough, I'll have to choose between getting the new Indigo and the new Modo. Choices, choices.