Vray- D.o.F help
I am trying to get a grip of DOF in Vray and my tests have failed miserably.
Kwistenbiebel if you are around I could use your help as i've seen many examples of your work with vray using this feature so I'd assume you could give me some pointers.
Hi Pete,
Setting the DOF is not that easy. As I recall the DOF parameters need to be set in Feet.
So you need to convert your file units. I never used camera DOF that much in VfSU (because of that reason).
I got away with using the 'Depth Map' option in the Frame Buffer in many cases.There was an interesting thread on the Asgvis forum some time ago . I'll try to find it and post the link here...
EDIT: Found it
Look here: http://asgvis.com/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=90&topic=1986.0
@kwistenbiebel said:
Setting the DOF is not that easy. As I recall the DOF parameters need to be set in Feet.
Mucho gracias my friend.
- off topic *
How is Oz?
No worries (as they say here
And Thomas is right (againinches instead of feet.
Off Topic:
Oz is great. We enjoy it a lot, especially the weather, the beach/nature and the people.
Work is quite busy, so no going to beach for a short while now. -
Check out this youtube tutorial, it's not exactly what you were looking for but it's a good alternative way of approaching DOF.......hope this helps.....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDzNJYi6Bok