Sketchup 7 Update - is the UV map bug fixed?
Hello everybody!
The first SketchUP 7 had some bugs when textured materials were applied. The UV mapping was not constant or something like that. Is the bug fixed in the updated version OF SketchUP 7?
You might have to get more specific. I'm not recalling the exact problem. Did it probably have something to do with exporting the model for rendering?
@chris fullmer said:
You might have to get more specific. I'm not recalling the exact problem. Did it probably have something to do with exporting the model for rendering?
Yep, specifics would be good. None of the developers here know what this issue is about...
Sorry for the short description. The problem with the first SU7 was:
If you picked a texture and applied it to an object, then edited/ re-positioned/re-oriented the texture for that object, and then if you kept on applying the same texture to other objects/faces, sometimes the modified "UV mapping" is forgotten by SU and reverts back to the original texture. I came across this once, and since this problem was also discussed by someone else also in the forums, I just gave up SU7 and reverted back to SU6. I would like to switch to SU7 once for all. Hence I am asking this question. I have downloaded this maintenance update. I have used it a few times and I am quite happy with it. I am just curious to know if this bug (which seems to have existed) is fixed.
Thanks in advance
With best regards
I might be wrong but is this what you are referring to - reported in bugs section? (but no replies)or perhaps
Thank you very much richcat! It was exactly that. I have been searching for this intermittently for the last two hours or so.
With best regards