[Plugin] ComponentReporter++ v1.2
@tig said:
Do you have ',' set as your decimal-separator, instead of '.' ?
This might cause issues ??TIG
I did 2 tests
drawing from scratch, I think the componet, add option LenX leny, lenz, the report is generated normally.
If this same component attributes modify a component value (eg 10 cm to 20 cm lenz), then display the error of failing to convert ...
pd. I have a component I created and I'm doubling, changing their values to create furniture.
This report would be a solution to export cuts grain orientation panel -
@tig said:
Do you have ',' set as your decimal-separator, instead of '.' ?
This might cause issues ??TIG
With separator "," error occurs.
With separator "." export the file, but does not make mmAs coidgo would have to call from the menu?
It would be so?
require 'sketchup.rb'
UI.menu("PlugIns").add_item("Tig Export") {
The units are probably arriving in SketchUp base units == inches.
So either multiply your columns in Excel by 25.4 to make mm OR when you a 'length' in inches do something like
sprintf("%.1f", length.to_mm)
so 1.0" >> 25.4 ? -
@tig said:
The units are probably arriving in SketchUp base units == inches.
So either multiply your columns in Excel by 25.4 to make mm OR when you a 'length' in inches do something like
sprintf("%.1f", length.to_mm)
so 1.0" >> 25.4 ?TIG
Thanks for your help.
the ComponentReporter + + plugins I reported in mm but axes x, y, z
You could modify this plugin to me that report LenX leny, lenz,(dynamic attributes)+ material, definition, of what is selected?
in one csv.Thanks again, my knowledge of programming are very beginner
This original http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=373590#p373590
does some DC attribute data things...
This is a NEWER version...
(c) TIG 2013
Type into the Ruby Console:
OR use
Plugins menu > TIG.exportDCs2csv2
It Exports all Selected DCs' data into a file, as:
It uses 'mm' for the XYZ units.
It is a 'CSV' [COMMA separated variable] file - made in the model's folder and named after the model thus:
ModelName.skp >> ModelNameDCs.csv
If a new model is unsaved the current directory receives this new file.
Edit sep="," if something other than separating comma is desired.
Make sep="\t" if a 'TSV' [TAB separated variable] file is desired and change ext="csv" to ext="tsv".
@tig said:
This original http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=373590#p373590
does some DC attribute data things...
This is a NEWER version...
(c) TIG 2013
Type into the Ruby Console:
OR use
Plugins menu > TIG.exportDCs2csv2
It Exports all Selected DCs' data into a file, as:
It uses 'mm' for the XYZ units.
It is a 'CSV' [COMMA separated variable] file - made in the model's folder and named after the model thus:
ModelName.skp >> ModelNameDCs.csv
If a new model is unsaved the current directory receives this new file.
Edit sep="," if something other than separating comma is desired.
Make sep="\t" if a 'TSV' [TAB separated variable] file is desired and change ext="csv" to ext="tsv".
thank you very much, works perfect.
Just an observation. If doubled within skp component and modify its dimensions (eg. LenX) reports all copies with the same valueDeputy model
@tig said:
This original http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=373590#p373590
does some DC attribute data things...
This is a NEWER version...
(c) TIG 2013
Type into the Ruby Console:
OR use
Plugins menu > TIG.exportDCs2csv2
It Exports all Selected DCs' data into a file, as:
It uses 'mm' for the XYZ units.
It is a 'CSV' [COMMA separated variable] file - made in the model's folder and named after the model thus:
ModelName.skp >> ModelNameDCs.csv
If a new model is unsaved the current directory receives this new file.
Edit sep="," if something other than separating comma is desired.
Make sep="\t" if a 'TSV' [TAB separated variable] file is desired and change ext="csv" to ext="tsv".
ud can have the report grouped plugin components, adding the name of the group in a new column?
thanks post your feedback -
Hi TIG - Love the plugin! I just recently stumbled on this page and it has been super useful tracking my work! I was wondering if you had the time to help me make a slight tweak? Basically, I want to tidy up the parentage report to display nested components in a more intuitive way similar to the sketchup outliner?. Hopefully the attached image makes sense: It shows only the counts of of instances, and also puts the them to the right of its parent component. This way, I can visually track the hierarchy.
If you have the time, I'd really appreciate the help given that I am not versed in ruby.
Thank you very much!
Hi TIG, Thank you so much for your powerful script. I'm using it to do my construction schedules. It helps me a lot. Could you please add a modification that allow me to get volume numbers for components? (my components are solid ready). I don't have much Ruby knowledge and was failed to do it my self.
@nghminh81 said:
Hi TIG, Thank you so much for your powerful script. I'm using it to do my construction schedules. It helps me a lot. Could you please add a modification that allow me to get volume numbers for components? (my components are solid ready). I don't have much Ruby knowledge and was failed to do it my self.
Edit the file with Notepad++...
Around line #149 you can see the 'area' code.
You need to add some similar 'volume' code near that, like this:volume=0.0 volume=c.volume if c.volume > 0 # it's always in cu" - to make into something else use a conversion factor like this for cu metres; volume=volume*0.000016387064 # convert it into a string volume=volume.to_s.tr(",",".")### trap for comma as decimal point... # edit line ~ # 166 [remember that it will have shifted down after you entered the new volume code !] ilist.push([dname,iname,lname,cname,id,x,y,z,pname,area,areas].flatten!) # to include volume... ilist.push([dname,iname,lname,cname,id,x,y,z,pname,area,areas,volume].flatten!) # edits the lines making the header text ~ # 178 file.puts("DEFN-NAME,PARENT[NAME<TYPE>],INST-NAME,LAYER,MATERIAL,ID,X,Y,Z,AREA,SUB-MAT-AREAS\n\n")if miner file.puts("DEFN-NAME,INST-NAME,LAYER,MATERIAL,ID,X,Y,Z,AREA,SUB-MAT-AREAS\n\n")if not miner # to read... file.puts("DEFN-NAME,PARENT[NAME<TYPE>],INST-NAME,LAYER,MATERIAL,ID,X,Y,Z,AREA,SUB-MAT-AREAS,VOLUME\n\n")if miner file.puts("DEFN-NAME,INST-NAME,LAYER,MATERIAL,ID,X,Y,Z,AREA,SUB-MAT-AREAS,VOLUME\n\n")if not miner # now edit the code around lines ~ # ilist.each{|c| xx=""; c[10..-1].each{|x|;xx=","+x.to_s} if miner file.puts(c[0]+","+c[8]+","+c[1]+","+c[2]+","+c[3]+","+c[4]+","+c[5]+","+c[6]+","+c[7]+","+c[9]+xx) else file.puts(c[0]+","+c[1]+","+c[2]+","+c[3]+","+c[4]+","+c[5]+","+c[6]+","+c[7]+","+c[9]+xx) end#if } # to read with the extra volume element ... +","+c[-1] ... # -1 says last element in array which we know in the newly added 'volume' string. ilist.each{|c| xx=""; c[10..-1].each{|x|;xx=","+x.to_s} if miner file.puts(c[0]+","+c[8]+","+c[1]+","+c[2]+","+c[3]+","+c[4]+","+c[5]+","+c[6]+","+c[7]+","+c[9]+","+c[-1]+xx) else file.puts(c[0]+","+c[1]+","+c[2]+","+c[3]+","+c[4]+","+c[5]+","+c[6]+","+c[7]+","+c[9]+","+c[-1]+xx) end#if }
Hope that helps...
Thanks TIG so much for spending time with my case. Your help make it works perfectly. I've learned many many of Ruby language with your code.
Hello TIG
thank you for your time with this plugin.do you think it is possible to list dynamic components and their LenX, LenY, LenZ that are inside another dynamic component?
This is somewhat more complex...
Why not post a similar request in the DC forum ? -
Hi Tig, I'm trying to get this to work, reporting the components only if the dynamic attribute "report" is true. After a little experimentation, I think I should be changing line 135 to read
inlist.push(c) if ((c.typename=="ComponentInstance") && (c.attribute_dictionaries['report'] == 'TRUE'))
But that creates no results (I do have a DC in my model with the attribute 'report' set to 'TRUE')
Could you point out where I'm going wrong?
Should you not be looking at the
rather than the instance ?
Also are you sure that's the attribute_dictionary name ?
Perhaps 'dynamic_attributes
' ??
Try this Ruby Console snippet on a selected DC instance to see what I mean:
Sketchup.active_model.selection[0].definition.attribute_dictionaries.each{|d|puts;p d.name;puts;d.each_pair{|k,v|puts"#{k} = #{v}"}}
oh I see! I completely misunderstood attribute_dictionaries.
dict = c.attribute_dictionaries['dynamic_attributes'] inlist.push(c) if ((c.typename=="ComponentInstance") && (dict['report'] == 1))
This works great, thanks Tig.
About "ComponentReporter++.rb"
is theres some way the plugin including columns like Lenght X, Lenght y and Lenght Z of the box ?:
im new in rubys, sorry.DEFN-NAME | COUNT | DESCRIPTION | X | Y | Z| GUID |
Any help i will apreciate.
@rubenamaroh said:
About "ComponentReporter++.rb"
is theres some way the plugin including columns like Lenght X, Lenght y and Lenght Z of the box ?:
im new in rubys, sorry.DEFN-NAME | COUNT | DESCRIPTION | X | Y | Z| GUID |
Any help i will apreciate.
Of course.
This is just an 'example' script.
Get the group/component-instance .bounds and get .width/height/depth [lenX/lenY/lenZ]
The add the extra columns into the CSV and include the three values .to_s etc...