[req]Model Scrambler
It seems you are on to something. I guess you would have to have the ruby installed on the recipients computer in order to unlock the file. It would be nice if the file was able to be orbited and viewed, but as soon as a tool is chosen, then a password prompt would pop up. If the wrong password is entered three times in a row, the model will automatically scramble, or just continue to lock the edit tools.
Yeah, unfortunately that gets back to the problem where they have to install the ruby to break the model. And if they don't have it, then it wouldn't scramble it. So it who would want to install that ruby?
I suppose my scrambling is only useful for people wanting to protect their model entirely, not letting anyone read it at all. So it really doesn't help with a type of write protection unfortunately.
Why not just put the model into a password protected zip file?
The chaos that this could unleash in the 3DW...........
@thomthom said:
Why not just put the model into a password protected zip file?
Yeah, that's really a better solution. I think somewhere in my head I was hoping this would lead to something useful, but in the end, the ability to PassWord protect a model from being looked at is not what is wanted. the ability to PassWord protect people from editing and copying is what is desired.
What if the script could automatically assemble the file in the sketchup viewer while leaving it scrambled in SU? Does SU even make the viewer anymore?
@linea said:
The chaos that this could unleash in the 3DW...........
This is actually a sort of virus.
Is such a plugin really something you guys would like to see developed?Next step: a SU file that self destructs after a certain date?
@kwistenbiebel said:
Next step: a SU file that self destructs after a certain date?
Anyone else hears the Mission Impossible tune in their head..?
@chris fullmer said:
Yeah, that's really a better solution. I think somewhere in my head I was hoping this would lead to something useful, but in the end, the ability to PassWord protect a model from being looked at is not what is wanted. the ability to PassWord protect people from editing and copying is what is desired.
Are we talking about intentional editing here? Or unintentional?
For unintentional you could just set the file as read only.For intentional editing, that's harder, as if someone has their mind set to edit it, novel obfuscation might not be that effective.
Hmm, I wonder if it would be possible to use transformations that don't destroy the model, but just make it hard/annoying to edit thinking smilie
I think the hard thing would be finding a suitable transformation that can't be fixed using another ruby.
@remus said:
Hmm, I wonder if it would be possible to use transformations that don't destroy the model, but just make it hard/annoying to edit thinking smilie
I think the hard thing would be finding a suitable transformation that can't be fixed using another ruby.
Instead of rotating individual vertices, rotate whole connected geometry. Throwing everything slightly off scale is annoying as hell. Whenever I get a model where a model where everything is like that (usually based of some AutoCAD drawing) it makes me curl up under my desk and rock back and forth sucking my thumb.