[REQ] Fold or Bend?
Chris, I'll PM you with some details shortly.
@chris fullmer said:
LI have not really played with other program's bend functions. Maybe I should go through the 3dsmax bend modifier. I think it only works with the geometry as the user made it - it doesn't subdivide it for you I think.
in this thread:
you'll see an animated gif from bonzai3d showing it's bend modifier. i've exported a few shapes to sketchup from a couple of different programs (bonzai3d and cheetah3d) prior to bending them.. the unbent shapes are simple with no subdivision.. apparently, the software controls the subdivision and it's not necessary for the user to divide the shapes prior to modifying them.. -
That bendy bonzai3d one was precisely the image I had in my mind while I was writing this out. The abilty of the script to subdivide is interesting and challenging. It sould be straightforward for a shape like that. But what when people try to bend large complex models. Seems tricky.
Slightly different, but closer to your image is the idea of fitting shapes to a path or to other shapes. This idea keeps popping up in my mind. It would be cool to draw the straight version of your wall, then draw a path that is the shape of the curve and then have the wall matchitself up tot he curve. That would be useful too.
@chris fullmer said:
Slightly different, but closer to your image is the idea of fitting shapes to a path or to other shapes. This idea keeps popping up in my mind. It would be cool to draw the straight version of your wall, then draw a path that is the shape of the curve and then have the wall matchitself up tot he curve. That would be useful too.
useful indeed... i personally have an exact instance to use such a thing that is a pain to draw in sketchup.. i'm running out right now but i'll post up an example later today.
@chris fullmer said:
Slightly different, but closer to your image is the idea of fitting shapes to a path or to other shapes. This idea keeps popping up in my mind. It would be cool to draw the straight version of your wall, then draw a path that is the shape of the curve and then have the wall matchitself up tot he curve. That would be useful too.
Something like this?
Daniel S
Yeah, thats pretty much what I'd have in mind for one version of it. That was not SU, right?
Chris, did you get my PM?
@chris fullmer said:
Yeah, thats pretty much what I'd have in mind for one version of it. That was not SU, right?
Not SU. It`s an option called flow... Here is an example of Flow on a Surface:
Daniel S
Yes DAve, I got your PM and looked at the model. The woodworking terms and ideas were over my head
, but the model looked good. Its given me some ideas. I don't know if bend is precisely the right word for what needs to happen in your model Dave. It seems more like a "flow" as shown in the video above. Fit existing geometry onto a warped surface. Lots of great ideas here. I'll see if I can get any simple geometry to bend, warp, transform, subdivide - ANYTHING. If I get anything working, I'll post it here.
Thanks Chris. You may be right regarding what to call it.