Tool bar locations problem.
The same problem is in Layout as in Sketchup with the latest release, is there a place where the setting are saved, as it happens with the shortcuts ? so for the next upgrade the tool bars could remain as they were.
On PC for LayOut, you'll find in your home directory/Application Data/Google/Google SketchUp 7/LayOut/UserInspectorLayOut.xml (same for 6, replace the 7 with 6 in the path above). On Mac on first launch of 7, 6's prefs should be read. As with all Mac prefs, you can access them in your home directory/Library/Preferences/ or from the command line via "defaults read", etc...
Me again with 2015
I canĀ“t get it to workAny ideas in order to have the old one ??
"C:\Users...\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2015\LayOut\UserInspectorLayout.xml"
whether or not it still works, who knows? I haven't tried it.
Please complete your profile.
wow. At least he stuck to the same post after 6 years! Pretty efficient.
Yeah. I'd have forgotten about my first post long ago if I'd asked.