3D Navigation in SketchUp models
I recently read about SpaceNavigator from 3D Connection and wonder if there is a plugin, extention or any way to program this kind of functionality to the keyboard in Sketchup.I have searched but not found anything. The shortcuts calls up the cameratools, but can't in its own way move the camera. What I have seen from the 3D navigator is very cool, and I would love to have the same functionalty with the keyboard. I know from experience that keyboard shorcuts for camera navigation would give the same nice effects or may be even better than 3D navigator.
Before I used to play some weard 3D games where most of the 9 keys on the num pad could be used. The camera could be tilted, panned, moved up or down, back and forth and so on. By combining two or three keys at the same time a lot of cool cameramovements could be applied. Does anyone know if this is possible with Sketchup today? Would be very very cool.
Hi Magnar,
Maybe not as sophisticated as navigation in certain games but the Walk tool
will allow you to use the arrow keys (and a bunch of modification keys along with it) to walk through your model. By default, it has a collision detection, max height of stairs to climb etc.So do you mean something like this?
It is in this way yes. I would like to have to option to program the preferences on the keys and use some of them simultainiously though. You can use the orbit and the walk tool almost, but not quite simultainiously. But if you want to combine the walk and the look around tool wich would have given a nice camera path it would not work. Before looking around you have to stop walking.
Also the keys for moving right and left is hidden with the shift key. It means you can not combine walk left with walk forward or with look around. Look around combined with walk sideways would have been very nice as you then can follow a path that is turning right of left. Even better combing walking forward, sideways and look around would have been even better.
That's the walk tool. But what about also a flight tool? Would have been cool too I think. -
Well, in that case get that Space Navigator instead...
Of course I could spend a lot of money to navigate freely in my sketchup models, and if I found the money justified in any way, I would have done it I think. I just thought this is more of a programming issue. If the space navigator can give these commands to sketchup (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7QQrr5AGEg) why not also the keyboard? I thought that would be quite cool to have the freedom to move around just as you like.
while your in the walk tool your can move with the arrow keys and at the same time holding down the RMB you can look around.
To me it seems that the RMB "look around function" overide the keyboard "walk function" once I touch the RMB. Is it possible to use them both at the same time in combination?
that is a nice idea, magnato. running around in SU models like in an ego-shooter would be fun.
perhaps that is something that can be done with a ruby script... but then it had to freeze shortcut-keys while active, so that one can use the a,w,s,d keys freely for running around.
(left mouse-button is for pushing objects out of the way with sketchy physics for animation)