[Obsolete] FredoScale 1.0e (Free Scaling, Taper Scaling)
@unknownuser said:
P.S.: You do realize that you acomplished something the sketchup team couldn't in God-knows-how-much-time-and-sketchup-versions and your ruby just turns the skethcup scale tool completly obsolete right?
Again: many thanks for this script
Thanks for the compliment.
Keep in mind however that the Sketchup Scale tool does 'Smart' scaling of Dynamic components, which FreeScale does not do (i did not find any API for that).
And for Taper Scale, this is actually just a small subset of what the powerful SketchyFFD can do.But I agree that since I have been a user of Sketchup, I have always wondered why you could not orient the Scaling box!
@unknownuser said:
Big thanks for such amazing tool! I have watched the video and was almost sure you will release it as a commercial plugin. Do you have a Paypal account?
I believe many would like to express their gratitude.Thank you
I am grateful to your attention, as a mark of appreciation for the plugins.
I do have a paypal account at my email address fredosix a_t hotmail d_o_t comI had no commercial intention however, especially for a plugin that actually could be part of SU in standard.
WOW!!!! this is really GREAT!!! Thank you so much!!! -
The only problem I can find is that it is much slower (causes my computer to lag) when scaling big geometry
Thank you!
How many times have I been frustrated with scaling. Your script should now reduce a lot of that frustration.
You foresight/anticipation of what many of us experience and wish could be remedied is remarkable.
Regards, John
@unknownuser said:
I had no commercial intention however, especially for a plugin that actually should be part of SU in standard.
Typo fixed.
@l.frisken said:
The only problem I can find is that it is much slower (causes my computer to lag) when scaling big geometry
Yes, the algorithm to compute the best fitting box, even in 2D, depends on the number of entities in the selection. However, once done at startup of the tool, it should be faster to change the orientation and to perform the scaling, even interactively. So, unless you need to have a specific orientation, you should use the native Scale tool for big selections.
Taper Scale can also be slow to perform deformation for big selections. I think that in practice however, you would rarely taper a complex model, because the transformation is usually not ideal in the "real world".
@unknownuser said:
I think I have found an answer to why this is not working: http://www.sketchucation.com/forums/scf/viewtopic.php?p=61288#p61288 from this topic .
I don't know if recompiling those .rb files (if I say that correctly) is going to make them work, but in any case it would be nice if you could release separate Linux versions of your scripts. More and more people are switching to Linux these days. I for one am not going back to Windows. But I would still like to have this script working.Coen,
I was not aware of this problem of character encoding on Linux.
The best would be that Linux users get this dostounixutility and perfrom the transformation on their machine, so that everything is under control.Did you try, and does it solve the problem ?
I just want to let you know how much I appreciate your efforts, and, your incredible generosity in making this script available.
Absolutely awesome! Thank you so much for giving us some much need functionality in Sketchup. Brilliant!
This is an amazing tool. Indispensable.
The work you have put into it is really appreciated.
Thank you.I played around with it today and have a small comment.
There is an interesting behaviour modification of the component/group elements when the scale is applied ON them, but not WITHIN them.
The angle between the axis changes to non perpendicular. (see screenshots).
On both occasions the scale tool was used parallel to the wall of the box.
Was not aware this is possible.Once again thank you for the toy.
Actually, the Ruby API is very poor to tell what are the local axes of a component from within a component, so that I have to trust the chaining of transformations for obtaining teh right results in case of nested groups and components.I hope that the cases where the local axes are no longer orthogonal does not mess up anything in the model.
Fredo6: thanks for this great scale plugin adaptation
to ALL users,
I made a small update (dated 28 Jan 09, 23:30 CET) to include some fixes of problems that were reported so far and also to include the Spanish translation (kindly provided by Pichuneke).
You need to re-install both LibFredo6 and FreeScale
- LibFredo6 3.0a --> http://www.sketchucation.com/forums/scf/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=16020#p124684
- FreeScale 1.0a --> http://www.sketchucation.com/forums/scf/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=16021#p124685
Hi Fredo, I update to this new version.
The first thing I try is a problem that I have in the previous version, but the problem is still there.
I have some issues trying to scale about center (after press CTRL key).
I attach a video showing what happens. Is like the center of the group is updated when you try to scale.Daniel S
Is there anyway for you to add a "Check for Update" function in LibFredo6 ?
It could check for an internal date or variable in the User's version of LibFredo6 and compare it to one on a server OR simply have it display a message which shows the most recent rev level with a link to a download page.
I can see where LibFredo6 might be the "heart" of many important scripts and we'll (your loyal users) want to make sure its always kepT current.
That's a bug, and actually quite subtle to fix. Thanks for signaling.
Since you seem to know how to reproduce it, would you mind to try with the attached updated file.Again, many thanks
Yes, now works very well! thank you!. For me was easy to reproduce because it happened every time I tried to scale about center.
Another problem that I have is when trying to scale Red, Green, Blue (all togheter) with a negative number.
I attach a video showing this.In the video you will see that if I try to scale only red axis negative, only green negative or only blue negative all works well... but if I take a red blue and green grip to a negative number it turns crazy. The same happens if I press the ctrl key. It works well if I scale one axis only.
Daniel S
Fred06โ I can't thank you enough for this script. I've been begging for something like this, and it's so easy to use. I love the way it reads out in percentage and dimension, right on the screen where it's most visible. It's how the SU scale tool should have been done in the first place.