RpTreeMaker - new version Dec 12, 2008
@al hart said:
Give it another try at: RpTreeMaker HL12tm
I was able to download it OK today.
Perhaps someone else can try.
Hi Al, thanks for the reply. I was finally able to download the app, the transfer went dead a few times but I got it DL'ed and extracted fine. Seems like the trouble must have been on my end seeing that nobody else seem to be having trouble.
Now, to try the app out!
@unknownuser said:
Hi Al,
Thank you for a brilliant tool.
I have rendered the group of trees in Kerkythea.
I had to modify one thing in your model. Image map is applied to Back Face instead of Front.I have an idea. Al, would it be possible to export full 3D model from your app as well.
What I am thinking of is having a 2D tree in SU and then full 3D model in a rendering application as instanced object! It would be an excellent feature.I have already implemented it in SU2KT where there is a hidden, high polygon component and a simplified proxy just for SU. Maxwell, Fryrender, Indigo, Kerkythea and other application users would be extremely happy to see it.
TomaszTomasz, I had attempted to put the image map on bot sides of the tree.
Take the attached tree, and return it to me with any changes you needed to make to get it to work with KT.
SKP model with two-sided face tree, and image palm tree.
(The attached tree also has a palm tree created as an image, rather than a face. Let me know if that works with KT as well.)Also, send me a sample of a KT compatible proxy object. RpTools has a tool which creates proxy objects. I have attached one. Let me know what changes I need to make to make it compatible with KT.
Sample Proxy Object created with RpTools.Currently, we use two layers - Proxy HI-POLY and Proxy LOW-POLY to let the user switch between displays. Does KY use a different scheme to store the proxy information?
We are looking at an option to create 3D trees, but haven't had a chance to do it yet.
Have you considered the idea of creating a .png to .skp converter to add to your line of RP tools? It seems you already have the coding done for a tool like this. Hypothetically, this tool would allow the user to import a .png, or .tif transparent file and the converter would spit out a .skp file with the shadow mask applied. Also adding a alpha mask output would be invaluable for certain rendering users.
@earthmover said:
Have you considered the idea of creating a .png to .skp converter to add to your line of RP tools? It seems you already have the coding done for a tool like this. Hypothetically, this tool would allow the user to import a .png, or .tif transparent file and the converter would spit out a .skp file with the shadow mask applied. Also adding a alpha mask output would be invaluable for certain rendering users.
That would be a good addition to RpTools.
I wanted to get holes working, but I hadn't gotten around to it yet. (Its the same algorithm - but applied again to the holes). I decided to release the RpTreeMaker version without holes. As I write this I can't decide whether to wait for holes or not.
Also, RpTools already has a tool which converts a color (range of colors) in your image into an alpha channel. So it would be easy to grab the background color of images which are not alpha transparent and use them as well.
When you say "holes", do you mean in the shadow mask?
@earthmover said:
When you say "holes", do you mean in the shadow mask?
Holes in the tree, which should also create holes in the shadow mask so light can pass through the tree.
Thank you very much AL,
What a versatile tool this has become!
@al hart said:
Also, send me a sample of a KT compatible proxy object. RpTools has a tool which creates proxy objects. I have attached one. Let me know what changes I need to make to make it compatible with KT.
We are looking at an option to create 3D trees, but haven't had a chance to do it yet.Hi Al,
Thanks for models and new version. Will try it and come back with comments.I have done proxy objects in SU2KT following way: There are two components Tree1 and Tree1_HIGHPOLY.
The highpoly has an attibute set pointing to lowpoly (component name):highpoly_definition.set_attribute("su2kt","high_poly",su_lowpoly_comp.definition.name)
That is mainly it.
It lets an user to place components on whatever layer they want.I am glad you consider exporting 3D trees is a future!
@unknownuser said:
I have done proxy objects in SU2KT following way: There are two components Tree1 and Tree1_HIGHPOLY.
The highpoly has an attibute set pointing to lowpoly (component name):highpoly_definition.set_attribute("su2kt","high_poly",su_lowpoly_comp.definition.name)
Doesn't this have the problem that if a user selects Purge then one of the components disappears - or does the user place both in the drawing and turn off one of the layers,
Does the low poly component point the high polu component as well?
We wound putting the High Poly and Low poly geometry in the same component (option A), or having the low poly component include an instance of the high-poly component in a layer (option B)
i would like to ask about rendering with vray, is there a specific way to do it ? i just tried and got a black shadow surrounding the whole tree, is there any trick to do ?
thanks in advance -
i just found it out , sorry
@unknownuser said:
Al, I had downloaded the RpTreeMaker - The one big problem I see with it, is that the trees don't cast shadows (or have I missed a step?). Please let me know if I am doing something wrong, or if you get that fixed.
The latest version should cast shadows in SketchUp. We added a shadow mask to cast shadows.
@me3mar said:
i would like to ask about rendering with vray, is there a specific way to do it ? i just tried and got a black shadow surrounding the whole tree, is there any trick to do ?
thanks in advanceNote: There is a setting on the advanced settings dialog to create an alpha clipmask for VRay. You can export it from the SketchUp Materials Wizard.
We put out a new version today.
- Added ability to set the camera height as a percentage of the tree height.
- Added shadow masks so trees cast realistic shadows in SketchUp
- Used faces so trees render more easily in Podium
- Added clipmask for easier rendering with VRay (Of course the trees render easily, and better, with IRender)
Batch Mode
The version has a Batch mode, for those people who have been having problems executing it from SketchUp. See: Batch ModeShadows masks in sketchUp
This is brilliant! Yon've even thought of VRay!
it works perfectly
thank you ao much...
is this a free plugin ? or is it yet just a beta vergin?
thanks in advance -
LOOOOOOOL that was pretty funny, thanks AL for the great plugin and the great " Virgin" Imagination
me3mar -
@me3mar said:
it works perfectly
thank you ao much...
is this a free plugin ? or is it yet just a beta vergin?
thanks in advanceRpTreeMaker is going to remain a free plugin. But we could offer a Pro version someday. (for $$). (We don't believe we should announce a product as free, and change out mind later - although this could always happen - especially if we get gobbled up by a large, greedy (and hopefully with deep pockets) conglomerate. (And of course, "free" is a different phrase than "free trial".)
RPS is offering some of it products free, (RpTreeMaker, RpEdits, ProjectSketch and the free version of RpWalls - which we hope to beta next week). We think we get good feedback from a wider audience from the free versions, and hopefully the free versions will inspire some SketchUp users to purchase our other products. (For instance RpTreeMaker works pretty well with the other add-on renderers, but works even better with IRender. Also, RpEdits has some useful tools, but RpTools has ever more.)
(I'm not sure if the word you used - "vergin" - was a misspelling of "version", or a clever play on words based on the word "virgin"
- meaning that we were trying to trap virgins into using it and then surprising them later when it turned out not to be free after all. )
Just tried out the newest version and it's a lot better. I'm really happy with the results. A couple things though.
It would be nice to have some control over the secondary branching. Even at Max fullness, the secondary branching remains disproportionate to what occurs in nature. The off shoot branching should be fuller and vary in direction depending on the type of specimen. Control of secondary branching would help to achieve a higher level of realism.
Control over the central leader. Most deciduous trees don't have the same central leader structure as a conifer, where the main trunk extends to the top. The central leader will generally split into branching off shoots at the crotch, long before the top of the tree. This is true especially as deciduous trees mature. In the editor however, for standard trees, the central leader is always extending to the top of the tree. It works for some trees, like Oak for instance, but for others, I have a hard time creating the proper branching structure. Take this Zelcova Serrata for instance. Notice the central leader vs. branching structure -
Lastly, I was wondering if it were possible to allow an option to create an NPR version of the tree? Something that will be read in a B&W sketchy line style. I tried playing around with unhiding the lines that are around the shadow mask, and this works okay, but it would be great if some of the branching was also translated into line work. I know this may be pushing it, but it's worth a shot.
@earthmover said:
Just tried out the newest version and it's a lot better. I'm really happy with the results. A couple things though.
It would be nice to have some control over the secondary branching.
Control over the central leader.
Lastly, I was wondering if it were possible to allow an option to create an NPR version of the tree? Something that will be read in a B&W sketchy line style. I tried playing around with unhiding the lines that are around the shadow mask, and this works okay, but it would be great if some of the branching was also translated into line work. I know this may be pushing it, but it's worth a shot.
I passed your comments on to the author. He is working on shrubs and such and perhaps that will help.
I'm trying to think of a good way to get edge lines for the trunk and branches. I think the only way to make this work will be to create a 3D tree with edges. Then the Sketchy Edges should just work. However, this will probably be in the "Pro" version, rather than the free version.
I tried some Sketchy edges on cylinders and they work OK. So if I can create geometry for the branches and leaves, we should be able to get a NPR effect.