Stuff Topic (Once "My Projects and W.I.P.s")
just shut up..... those were examples.
(who are you kwestwood48? (well he just rates ones (yeah that has to be you)))
Naaa little man... I signed your guestbook!
@unknownuser said:
Whats up douche? Are you more than 20% done with that car yet?now now... dont call me a douche (wtf was that for?) also spaming (???) if you dont haveanything good to say, just dont say anything whatsoever.
that was a waste of time looking at that.
so this is funny eh?
just stop posting here, we have seen enough of your idiotic comments. -
@kdsdesign said:
if you dont have anything good to say, just dont say anything whatsoever.
sigh irony obviously has very little meaning to some.
i wasnt trying o be ironic, also this topic is so off topic, i minus well change the name to: a random topic about stuff
"i minus well" wtf? I have the feeling that you're going to be a great lawyer! Keep up the good work...
btw wtf is up with you people? the signature thing?
(oh whatever) -
Hell, I'm thinking I can be a lawyer now... you know at Harverd.
They are 'classic' quotes by the man himself... Kevin Smith!
modelhead.. wtf?
@cheffey said:
Hell, I'm thinking I can be a lawyer now... you know at Harverd.
If Kevin can do it, I don't think you'd have any problems
lol (new signature!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
lol btm
(btw can someone help? kwestwood48 keeps ratung my stuff bad)
Kevin quoting himself in the signature ... I think that's actually funny. -
He made sure he threw in 'yes that is true' though...
Kevin, is English your first language?
Maybe this thread needs to be trashed and a new one started.
What do you think Kevin, you ready to start over? -
Why? It will end up being the exact same thing...
Bubba, that is a good point,
yes cheffey english is my first language, why do you ask?