Stuff Topic (Once "My Projects and W.I.P.s")
@unknownuser said:
Whats up douche? Are you more than 20% done with that car yet?now now... dont call me a douche (wtf was that for?) also spaming (???) if you dont haveanything good to say, just dont say anything whatsoever.
that was a waste of time looking at that.
so this is funny eh?
just stop posting here, we have seen enough of your idiotic comments. -
@kdsdesign said:
if you dont have anything good to say, just dont say anything whatsoever.
sigh irony obviously has very little meaning to some.
i wasnt trying o be ironic, also this topic is so off topic, i minus well change the name to: a random topic about stuff
"i minus well" wtf? I have the feeling that you're going to be a great lawyer! Keep up the good work...
btw wtf is up with you people? the signature thing?
(oh whatever) -
Hell, I'm thinking I can be a lawyer now... you know at Harverd.
They are 'classic' quotes by the man himself... Kevin Smith!
modelhead.. wtf?
@cheffey said:
Hell, I'm thinking I can be a lawyer now... you know at Harverd.
If Kevin can do it, I don't think you'd have any problems
lol (new signature!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
lol btm
(btw can someone help? kwestwood48 keeps ratung my stuff bad)
Kevin quoting himself in the signature ... I think that's actually funny. -
He made sure he threw in 'yes that is true' though...
Kevin, is English your first language?
Maybe this thread needs to be trashed and a new one started.
What do you think Kevin, you ready to start over? -
Why? It will end up being the exact same thing...
Bubba, that is a good point,
yes cheffey english is my first language, why do you ask? -
...I say, let him roam around without his own forum, learn a bit, and maybe in a couple months he'd be ready to start it up again (maybe then it would work out)
Four hundred and four posts.. OMG