Model Info > Statistics > Purge Unused...
Removes the dross...
Makes the file much smaller and quicker to load/navigate...There are so many examples, if you could offer a reduced set that includes only those paths which fail, then it'd be much easier to find what's up...
Please see attached samples. FYI - my diameters are normally between 2'' and 18'' with 8 segments.
All of those provided paths extruded a 4" diam pipe with PipeAlongPath, without any issues...
However, I did Select the entire path, then chose to Explode any Curves, and then used TIG-Weld to make a single bound path, which I then Selected and used with PiprAlongPath...
Can you try that ?
I tried that, without luck. The weld extension I use looks like this:
require 'sketchup.rb'
require 'extensions.rb'CREATE EXTENSION
ext = SketchupExtension.new('Weld', 'smustard_Weld/weld.rb')
ext.creator = 'Rick Wilson'
ext.version = '3.0.1'
ext.copyright = '2004, Rick Wilson'
ext.description = 'Create custom toolbars through a WebDialog'REGISTER AND LOAD THE EXTENSION
Sketchup.register_extension(ext, true)
I did NOT say to use RickW's old version.
I said 'TIG-Weld'...
My simplified version is available here http://sketchucation.com/pluginstore?pln=TIG-weldDownload/install it.
Select the entire path.
Use the Explode Curves in the context-menu [if any are found].
Use TIG-Weld to make a bound-curve from the whole path.
Select that... and use PipeAlongPath on it... -
OK - so I deleted the old weld plugin and installed the TIG-weld ver-2.0 plugin. However, the plugin will not work. See attached.....
How did you attempt to install TIG-Weld? Did you just put the downloaded RBZ file into Plugins?
Looks like you have not installed the RBZ, but rather just saved it into the ../Plugins folder...
There seem to be a few RBZs in there !There is NO need for any RBZ to be in the ../Plugins folder - it does nothing any way.
The normal 'manual' practice is to keep these RBZs in your 'Downloads folder, then install them...You install RBZ files.
This has been the norm since v8M2.
Use SketchUp's Preferences > Extensions > Install Extensions... button.
Choose the RBZ and it then installs automatically, extracting the required files, subfolder of files and so on into your ../Plugins folder...If you had downloaded/installed the SkethUcation Toolset's RBZ [linked in menu above], then there is not even a need to download any RBZ - its ExtensionStore tool, when used from within SketchUp. automates the whole process behind the scenes ans downloads/extracts/installs the whole set of files for you, effortlessly...
@dave r said:
How did you attempt to install TIG-Weld? Did you just put the downloaded RBZ file into Plugins?
@pipingguy said:
@dave r said:
How did you attempt to install TIG-Weld? Did you just put the downloaded RBZ file into Plugins?
So as you can see from TIG's remarks, you didn't actually install TIG-Weld at all.
OK - so I tried the window > preferences > extensions > install extensions button and navigated to the download folder. I picked TIG-weld.RBZ and sure enough it installed.
I did the same for the cut-face extension (and all this time I was wondering why it didn't show up in SketchUp) as well as for for TT_lib. Not sure what the latter does though.
Anyway, I TIG-welded a couple paths but they still did not extrude. -
I demonstrated that ALL of the 'problem paths' you supplied can be made to extrude with PipeAlongPath.
You need to select one full path [double-click part of it so it all selects], then use the right-click context-menu.
If 'Explode Curve' appears, then choose it, some oddly made curves seem to be causing issues.
but it it's not there there might still be some issues with short or reversed edges etc, so do this next step in all cases...
With those edges [re]selected use TIG-Weld to combine them all into one bound curve.
Now reselect that curve and use PipeAlongPath on that.Following these steps I have not had a single failure with your 'problem paths'...