US Election results.
Congratulations America. You made the right choice.
An historic speech from Obama and a dignified and gracious one from McCain. It would seem that the real John McCain is back again. Let's hope they Obamas bridge-building pledges materialise and that they can now work together. -
Congratulations America
Congratulations to Obama, to all who supported him in his long campaign, to all who voted for him and to the USA.
I enjoyed this campaign more, especially because there was much less ‘mud throwing’. (not talking about Palin). You could see that both candidates didn’t really like to be dragged into this kind of ugly campaigning. I have no doubt that McCain’s congratulations were honest. An admirable man who took his defeat with dignity.
Let’s hope the younger Obama will face USA’s and world problems with more wisdom than his predecessor Bush. (not difficult for the bright person he is).
Let’s hope his charisma ‘pays off’ in a way that he / the administration makes sound decisions, not only for the USA but also in respect to the rest of the world. In another thread the superpower issue was mentioned. This might be by history. But the USA may have a hard time to cope with the fact that in the next decade(s) we will see that there are other participants in the world-scene who may no longer accept this and who will be able to dictate whatever goes on in the world and how conflicts/problems should be resolved. Not the USA nor Europe nor Russia. All three together represent only about 14 percent of the world population. And they’re separate participants!
( As I wrote before: ….and hopefully it will bring the US back to what it is. Just a big country (not that many people) as part of a world that belongs to all of us.)
Let’s hope Obama will not exclude the republicans from his strategy. I wish him well in facing an immense task to put the USA back on track. I think he can do it.I do hope and congratulations from
I finally feel like America got it right this time! This is so very historic in so many ways and I truy hope this can bring the people together for a common goal. While I did not vote for McCain (obviously) I can say he was a complete gentleman during his speech. I hope that talk is true and that he and Obama can work together for the better of the American people. I think both have great strengths and it would only make America stronger if they could work together to get America back on track. The only part I did not like was the booing at the McCain rally. I think it shows there is still much hatred in America for anyone who is not the majority. In addition, I hope this gives some of those who feel they have not had a voice...well now they have someone to look up to and hopefully be inspired to not only be a better person but a better American.
My prayers to America and our new president elect Barack Obama. This is truly an inspirational time.
Pinching myself
This is not a dream, we just took America back and maybe saved it from an almost certain doom.
This is the America I saw as a kid, this is the America I left my country for, this is the America that makes me proud to be a part of.
Well Done America! I think you are now on the Right Track!
I now hope that Barrack Obama will now deliver on his promises.
I think the task will be made somewhat easier with all the Global
Good Will that he now has.I will look on him as a Multi Colour President as he has many
roots, even some Green. His great-great-great-grandfather
Fulmuth Kearney, a Shoemaker from Moneygall, Co. Offaly, Ireland
sailed to the USA in 1850.I also have respect for John McCain after seeing his sincere
speech accepting defeat. I believe he will work with Obama to
get the job done!Mike
It's just funny that these local CC workers keep leaning on the showels everywhere in the World!
Yeah, but I imagine the guy is giving directions to the newspaper
guys about where to go for a pint! They are unofficial tourist
guides and do a great job -
Congratulations to President-elect Obama. It wierds me out to think that I am older than the President of the US. This is the adjustment I am going to have to get used to. I have never known that before, obviously. I Think the U.S. has turned a corner in many ways. and I think that is a good thing. While I didn't vote for BHO myself, I never personally had an even a thought about his race and in fact I am charged that an Af.Am can now hold the highest office in the land. My decision not to support BHO was purely on political philosophies. However, that being said, I thought he and JMcC. gave great speeches> I did start to feel better about things after BHO's acceptance speech. I hope he will be a bridge builder and that the awful partisan rhetoric can be put behind us. But, As I have perused this thread --one comment flew off of the page that kinda disturbed me.
@unknownuser said:
Nice job USA!! What a great choice!! Democracy seems to be pretty healthy.....Bravo!!
Does this mean that if McC had won, democracy isn't healthy? The People spoke and IMO, the health of our political system doesn't rest with any one man or party but in the way that one administration can transition to another with the shedding of blood or the destruction of property and that win or lose, we are all still citizens of this great land. Now Pres-elect Obama will be my President and I will sustain him.
@solo said:
Pinching myself
This is not a dream, we just took America back and maybe saved it from an almost certain doom.
This is the America I saw as a kid, this is the America I left my country for, this is the America that makes me proud to be a part of.
Wow, these are bizarre statements, Pete. Not unlike Michelle Obama's comments, really.
If Obama runs our country like he ran his campaign, we might be OK. Congratulations to all those who voted for him. I love this country and will always be proud of her, no matter who the president is.
@unknownuser said:
@unknownuser said:
Does this mean that if McC had won, democracy isn't healthy?
You said that...that is for you to decide.....I said Democracy seems to be pretty that not the case?
Point taken. Thank you.
one more thing. . .Obama is the first President of the U.S. whose last name ends in a VOWEL (other than Y of course. ..Kennedy, McKinley) It always seemed to me that Americans before tis time had always seemed more comfortable with Leaders not because of their race, religion or party but rather if their leader's last name ended in a good hard conenant, like N S or T. Lincoln, Roosevelt Truman, Adams, Reagan and Clinton, etc. We indeed have turned a corner as a nation.
u guys think BHO can push google to release SU7 ASAP? -
America's back on track
...same track...?!!
Colorado used to be pro-Republican. We're delighted with our new President-elect Barack Obama this time. If anyone can clean up our messes, he will.
This is a hoot! (If the page changes, this is the article title I'm trying to link: Failure to Blow Election Stuns Democrats
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(The cell phone story is pretty funny too!)
@unknownuser said:
I hope he will be a bridge builder and that the awful partisan rhetoric can be put behind us.
Sure, but the bridge probably only has a one-way lane going to the left. I will be thoroughly shocked if the "most liberal senator" does anything meaningful to reach out to conservatives.