Sketchup to Google Earth Export
Is the export from SU to GE .kmz or .dae? I can export from SU to .kmz, but GE doesn't give that selection to add a model...but, none of my machines will export to a .dae file...they all Bugsplat at 36%. I used GE extensively in April 08 and was bringing the model into GE but I dont remember having to import .dae files...The only directions I can find now involve snapshotting a GE terrain, placing the model then sending it to the 3D Warehouse... I could have sworn there was another way to do this... -
I think I have obviously eliminated the possibility of .dae being the import to GE file type. Export Still killing my pc even after eliminating most of the model trying to debug it.
So...New question: when adding a model file on Google Earth, and when the dialog box is opened all I get is the option for .dae file...How does one get the selection for a .kmz file in the drop-down box if it isn't showing up?
Hi Hank,
I cannot advise on your SU crashing during the dae export but what you should know about dae files is that they are simple text files in xml format and do not contain any textures but only refer to them so you always need to add the texture files with them.
Anyway, an easier approach is to export in GE 4 (kmz) format, then rename the kmz extension to zip (yes, a kmz file is actually a zipped folder).
Now within the zip file you will see a kml file - which is actually the placemark for GE (location, camera angle etc.) - and a folder for your model with the dae file - which describes the geometry of your model - and a folder for the textures in it.
However you need not do all this hassle to get a model to GE. After exporting to kmz, don't use the "Add > Model" function in GE but go to "File > Open" and there you'll be able to open a model in kmz format. It will then be located under your "Temporary Places" in the Places Tray in GE. Even simpler; normally kmz files are associated with GE thus double clicking on one should launch GE with the model in it.
You can also create a Folder under the "Add" function and place your model file into that folder in GE (simply drag it under the folder Places tray). This way you can add several models and whatnot under a folder and finally save the whole folder as a kmz file separately.
See this tutorial:...
save as *.kmz...
Hope this helps
Howard L'