SU7 is taking so long because...
I think its mostly because people love SU for what it currently is, and so want to see it become something really special.
It is taking so long because of Global Warming.
SU7 is taking so long because....
Team Google after looking at our demands decided that only a miracle could satisfy everyone, so they took up religion and huddled for a group prayer and now just waiting for a reply.
@hfm said:
To this day the only innovative thing they did to the software was to create shiny buttons.
Sorry, but I disagree - in v6, WebDialogs and Observers opened up vast new territory for ruby authors, and we've still only scratched the surface of what is possible.
SU7 is taking so long because....
the developers are spending all their time browsing the sketchucation forums, cracking wise on the posts.
...because they are too busy watching the presidential race?
SU7 is taking so long because....
The Google team has officially stated that they are "Dog People", prompting a swift revolt from Cats. Due to Cats world renowned & highly skilled marksman abilities the Google team has gone into hiding.
It's somewhat sad yet understandable at the same time.
@solo said:
SU7 is taking so long because....
Team Google after looking at our demands decided that only a miracle could satisfy everyone, so they took up religion and huddled for a group prayer and now just waiting for a reply.
these bastards should know then, how horrible it is to wait for info, and all you get is complete silence.
.... because, we haven't yet gotten that petition signed by everyone who wants to have SU7!
At least 5 million signatures are necessary to convince them of doing SU7 at all!
oh, there isn't a petition either!
..... because they don't know where they are heading (really who they want to make it for, ie architects or kids)
..... because they probably can't solve all the problems
..... because @last were SO dam good, and they've just got no idea
..... because they're coding for their new rubbish OS
..... because they are spending too much time on their big swerly slides and tramperlines at their work place
all I know is, IT BETTER BE GOOD!
I'm scared.
because they just can't find anyone willing to replace Bryce in V7 as the more deleted person in history.
... it doesn't exist - it's an urban legend.
Looks like Google is running out of money for free bees, since they are losing on the credit crunch.... should a released it before September 2008 now look where we are now!
you slow pokes!
@elysium said:
because they just can't find anyone willing to replace Bryce in V7 as the more deleted person in history.
No, no,
The only feature of SU 7 that has been leaked out is that Bryce is to be replaced with Tricia(if I remember right, it was somewhere in these forums)
Google wants to give us time to finish the discussions about religion and politics, and to agree about them...
@unknownuser said:
The only feature of SU 7 that has been leaked out is that Bryce is to be replaced with Tricia
Yeah there has been a change, due to popular support and a write in campaign they decided a winning product needed something special. (we love you still Tricia
You're really in love with this guy, aren't you Pete? Do you have his picture in your wallet? Or posters in your office?
As someone mentioned earlier, the ruby coders have done such a marvelous job with after market improvements, who needs SU7. Well, maybe for multi-core processors.
Time to break my nda: Bryce will be replaced by ... me. That's right. I'll be looking especially handsome for the occasion, wearing a scruffy old bathrobe and and pair of coffee-stained baggy shorts. Furthermore, the name 'SketchUp' will be no more. Our favorite app will be renamed 'StinkUp'. Oh, that arrow-like thingy? Will be replaced by a Gauloise.
You tease us so, stinkie.