What's up with the Indigo forum?
Hi friends,
Anyone has an idea what happened with the Indigo render forum?
I haven't been able to access the forum a single time this week.
A little disturbing... -
Same here. Must be an anti-Belgian embargo.
I guess the site's being updated. Either that, or it has been updated, and something's gone wrong.
Hmm, seems like a case of internet theft, someone stole the site right off your screen.
I have nothing! sorry.
@solo said:
Hmm, seems like a case of internet theft, someone stole the site right off your screen.
I have nothing! sorry.
You mean it works on your PC but not on mine and Stinkies?
Nope, I was only making a joke, but as I said, I have nothing.
Its not working for me either.
Perhaps a problem with the hosting?
No connection from France either, and I don't remember reading anything about a scheduled maintenance.
Does anybody have any chance to contact Nick Chapman, or Whaat, directly? perhaps they have some up-to-date news about the forum situation!
I tihnk whaat has an account on here, so you could probably just send him a PM.
No idea about nick tohugh.
I emailed Nick yesterday and am waiting for a response. I will let you all know what he says if he responds. Did anyone get a chance to download the new beta SkIndigo 1.1.12? I released it a few hours before the site went down.
You taunt me so whaat!
I posted on push/pull with same question, no real answers.
anything new and special in 1.1.2, Whaat?
I'm finally getting some use out of displacement with ground textures. -
i was new to get into their site last week. and lucky i was download thier new version v1.1.12. aftertha, I couldn't get in into their homepage anymore. normaly when they update their home. they would show underconstruction. but in this case is different. looks like their homepage address totaly wipe off. i guess must be some other rendering software did that because of indigo is free. just joking...could be true.
I just starting to learn this programe. now i have no where to ask the question. -
In this post of blenderartists.org they've said that the site was hacked.
@unknownuser said:
Ono said it was hacked or so. You can still visit the Indigo IRC channel.
There's a note up now from him saying that some changes are being made.
Anyone have more of an update on this? Whaat?
(actually it's probably giving the exporter writers time to catch up with the newest releases of Indigo, but I still miss checking it everyday)
@crc said:
Anyone have more of an update on this? Whaat?
(actually it's probably giving the exporter writers time to catch up with the newest releases of Indigo, but I still miss checking it everyday)
Hey crc,
I talked to Ono on Sunday and he said he still working on the site (slowly...) He is getting some help from a friend but it definitely seems to be taking a long time.
I haven't been working on SkIndigo but I HAVE been trying to update the tutorials (among other things...
Thanks for the update!
...does anybody have one of the latest versions of indigo and skindigo? And if so, would it be okay to post it here or send it to me?
I started an internship, and I'm tutoring another guy who wants to learn indigo and skindigo.
As you all know I'm not able to download it from the indigo site at the moment.
The different tutorials and lighting components would also be great....on a side note - i finally got a chance o work more with skindigo (v.0.0.9), and everyday I'm amazed by the tight sketchup integration you programmed whaat!
My friend is seeing the potential as well. Even though he obviously isn't used to the render times of unbiased renders -
it's back up