SketchUp Thumbnails not showing up?
Hello people-
Not sure how it happened and didn't really pay attention, thinking well maybe it will just fix it's self... But my SU thumbnails won't show up in any of the folders on my computer. Other thumbnails show up and I checked in SU to make sure the Thumbnails (make thumb at last save) was turned on. I'm stumped and it's turning into be a real pain in the neck, back etc etc...
Anyone have any thoughts?
Thank you in advance-
I experience this as well and it is annoying.
There is a workaround: install the free Xnview and use it as an alternative explorer to browse and open your SU models. -
Or you could try re-installing SketchUp?
I use Q-Dir as my explorer and all Sketchup thumbnails show up fine.
Here I come to save the day! This problem is easy solved with a simple file. You have the same problem with PS files and there's a fix for that that wil fix this problem. [unfortunatly I'm not at home right now, but I'll upload it as soon as I get there]
Can you upload the PS version as well please. Cheers
Well, I'm at home now
Ahh... good, there is a solution- But doesn't it just seen odd, they were there, then they weren't?!? I was thinking originally that running CCleaner may have had something to do with it... It's also strange that the thumbnails show up in the folder the .skp files are in (that just might me something else though). Also- I don't think my Photoshop files have ever shown a thumbnail.
Oh- I just remembered this- Another thing that happened at the same time as my thumbnails disappearing was the addition of {view--> filmstrip) which I have never been a fan... I think there was a windows update around the same time as well... hmmmm...
Worked for Photoshop! Funny it's not in there to begin with?
Hmmm... How does it work for SU? There doesn't seem to be a Google\Google SketchUp 6 in the common files
Thank you guys...
Maybe should have added that I work with Vista. Which, by my knowledge doesn't support SKP thumbnails from the start.
psd files works great, thanks
Hmmm... so there isn't a "SUicon.dll" for SketchUp? Hmmm... I tried to 'reinstall / repair' SketchUp only to have it lock up...
About the last thing I want to do is install and have to run another application, just to fix something which shouldn't have 'broken' in the first place... grrr.
I guess it's time to contact The Google SketchUp people. "I'm a SketchUp Pro User and Want to Contact Support (Requires License)" - One good thing about having SU 'pro'? We'll see.
EDIT- after doing a little research on google... I found this link--> but it's specifically for .jpg thumbnails- But when I looked at the .jpg reg. file, I noticed that it has information under the "Data" column (OISjpegfile,image/jpeg and image) where the .skp reg. file was left blank. hmmm... Gets kind of scary when you start modifying registry files, as I know just enough about computers to break them.
Oh man... Damn- You know, as I remember I ran CCleaner, well you know why I ran CCleaner?... Because I had just UNINSTALLED SU5! I was thinking to myself... self, you haven't used SU5 in a year or so, why don't you just go ahead and free up some of that disk space...
Going to try the fix that was posted by the google tech guy on page two- I'll let you guys know if it works... I saw someone else had the same issue as me and posted just a bit ago.
We've been investigating the issue and have been offered a fix that may help. Kindly refer to the following steps:
- Click "Start" > "Run."
- Type "cmd" in the Open box and click "OK."
- Navigate to the SketchUp directory, which is typically located at C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 6\
- Type "regsvr32 thumbsup.dll" without quotes and hit Enter.
and no- This didn't work... When you go to th cmd, which opens the windows\systems32\cmd.exe dialog box... How are you supposed to "navigate" got the SketchUp directory from there? And typing in "regsvr32 thumbsup.dll" I get "LoadLibrary("thumbsup.dll") failed- The specified module could not be found."
hmmm... I'm stumped and now I have to go measure a house- fun fun.
@gistman said:
How are you supposed to "navigate" [to] the SketchUp directory from there?
Once in the 'Command Prompt' box, type...
cd C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 6
...and hit <Enter>
That will switch you to the correct folder. Keep reading in that discussion I posted. The above method didn't work for some other users, either. The order of install/uninstall for SketchUp 5 and 6 is critical, and is apparently the solution.
TaffGoch- THANK YOU... IT WORKED! You know I tried typing that- and copy pasting it etc etc and it still didn't work- You have to include everything between the arrows
-->cd C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 6<--
... and you can't 'ctrl v' either you have to right click and past at the control prompt... not sure what the "cd" part had to do with it but it worked- I NOW HAVE SU THUMBNAILS!
Thank you again.
(in the screen cap- I hit enter twice, that's why in at the prompt it's there two or three times- guess I got a little impatient)
For future reference, "cd" means "change directory" and is an old DOS command.
- about a year later
@gistman said:
- Click "Start" > "Run."
- Type "cmd" in the Open box and click "OK."
- Navigate to the SketchUp directory, which is typically located at C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 6\
- Type "regsvr32 thumbsup.dll" without quotes and hit Enter.
Thank you very much! I was on same problem and solve it with your explain.
Thanks and regard - about a month later
mmmh....excuse me....hehe but it doesnt work in my sketchup 7 in my windows 7 64 bit...someone please help me...
@masrulpilami said:
mmmh....excuse me....hehe but it doesnt work in my sketchup 7 in my windows 7 64 bit...someone please help me...
It won't work on any 64bit systems. The Explorer Shell extension for .skp thumbnails is 32bit only.
so what must i do then? it's so hard for me to choosin component from component windows on sketchup...:/
do u have some suggestions for me? or i must change to 32 for now...?