Docs-like collaboration in 3D Warehouse
@alexschreyer said:
This looks like a major new feature. Has anyone heard if this is part of the SU7 concept - if SU7 ever comes out...
I guess it's a totally independent feature from SU7 since it works independently from any SU version.
This is a very interesting feature. Will have to have a look at that.
Seems that the WH is growing up with newer an newer features!
BTW Happy Birthday, Tom!
If Google only had proper for the area I live in this would have been so great when we have to collaborate with other offices where sites are located next to each other.
Guys the feature is there - you can/have to find ways to fill it in with content!
OK, we added a temporary forum to discuss this. Anyone feel free to chime in, upload models, share them with the others and test out the different features and posibilities.
Csaba, I've read this and think it has good possibilities
for the future. Yes indeed maybe 3DWH is GROWING UPMike
What would be nice is if I could upload a model and give the address to a handful of people and they could view it (zoom,pan etc) in 3dwh without downloading SU.
@gaieus said:
OK, we added a temporary forum to discuss this. Anyone feel free to chime in, upload models, share them with the others and test out the different features and posibilities.
Maybe a small SCF collaboration test project?
Is anyone else surprised at the apparent complete lack of coverage? These are great, even important (to many) features that have been missed or ignored by all of my regular information sources (except Alex.)
Jim, could you explain a bit more about what you say?
@mike lucey said:
Jim, could you explain a bit more about what you say?
Sure. This was announced back on Monday afternoon on the official Google SketchUp Blog. The only other mention of it has been on Alex Schreyer's blog; [as]. I've just not seen any other mention of this anywhere online.
These sharing features - the ability to keep models private, share them with selected people, and being able to share a model for editing - give some powerful tools to SketchUp users. One comment about SketchUp that I hear is "I can't believe Google just gives it away", and the same could be said of the model sharing features on the 3D Warehouse.
It's quite odd that Google hasn't pushed this more but maybe they are watching for a while to see how it works... Or they are just implementing this "routinely" now for all their online services... Or - and that's where my earlier comment came from - they are going to make this a major part of SU7 (direct synchronizing and versioning - and maybe other "social" features) and are waiting for an announcement there... Or maybe there's just an innovation-fatigue with Google where people just don't notice all the new features anymore...