Rogue's W.I.P's!
...I look at the thread, but don't respond, because I've seen tons of cars already, and although I think they're really nice, and extremely detailed( I myself barely even have the patience to spend more than a few hours on one model)
I'm just plain too lazy to leave comments for them all, so I just don't respond to them...In some aspects, I do agree with Ray too.
Thanks again Ray & BTM.
I will try to get some more “generally exciting” models made; first I will need to het to sketching again.
I have had a fair few ideas for cars over the last few months but don’t have the patients to make them. I find the more conventional designs are much easier to make but aren’t as satisfying in the end.I’ll let you all know how it goes; I’ll try to upload some scans
them rims are awsome dude
For now you’ll all have to put up with my slightly less excellent cars!
Nice. Although I'd personally go for something more drag-racing friendly, like classic steel wheels or five-spoke ones. When I saw these wheels on the '10 GT, I thought Ford made a headstart for the tuning crowd. Maybe that's just me.
Well, I was going for more of a Racing / Targa / Rally / Drag / Sprint car...
hey rouge how bout a request?
I would like to see a Ford Interceptor could you do one of those?
I would love to Ray but there just aren’t any good side, front, rear or top views of it. I am only really able to complete your request if I had these. If some do come along then I will be sure to try.
Here is a preview of the V8 Cobra
Its early days yet
I notice you have quite a few rounded parts, do you work with scaled up models? Or is it not an issue with car models, that the faces doesn't end up too small?
Yes, I do use very high scale models. I work with lots of very detail mesh so there is often the need for high scale modeling. The Cobra itself is about 200,000mm long. If was too much smaller the smaller polys wouldn’t appear and I would be able to get close enough to work with them.
What's the average face count for your models?
Anywhere from about 60,000 onwards. The wheels and lights contain most of the poly's. The smaller details are in the likes of the tyre and other such details.
Well, I absolutely love these models. The detail is great and you keep your meshes so clean!
I do think I'll put a couple of these beaties in my renders
i noticed that you have locked your models. good idea.
Here are some pics of more Cobras
These versions are based on the 1968 Mustang Coupe and Fastback
2009 Trojan Cobra Coupe GT
2009 Trojan Cobra Fastback V8
2009 Trojan Cobra Fastback GT V8
Nice. Any side views of the cars? The fastback really looks hot, but I can't really figure out the real shape by the 3/4 view.
Thanks Shams. I will send you the model (not for sharing) but here are some pics any way.
What? And nothing about the best mustang ever?
Saleen made a modern interpretation of the '70 Trans Am Mustang, but it was just another mustang with a colour scheme and a chin spoiler. Now, I've seen your models and I know it's possible for you to make a proper modern version. I'm currently working on it, so let's see what we come up with.