Large Hadron Collider
Jon, ARPANET invented the Internet for the US Defense Department. That is the packet switching via addresses contained in those packets of data to link computers together.
This is different from the WWW, which is a hypertext protocol, accessed via a web browser, that sits on top of the Internet. That was invented at CERN to allow widely separated scientists to communicate effectively.
The Internet and the Web are not interchangeable terms. -
Ok Alan, I stand corrected.
- topic:timeago-later,about a year
The Large Hadron Collider has been fixed and is about to be restarted:
BBC News - Beam circles 'Big Bang' machine
Engineers have sent proton particles all the way round the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) machine for the first time in more than a year.
What about the bread?
Hi folks.
These peoples may have read the book mentionned here:
I read it and found it very good but, this is science fiction.
I know that sometimes fiction becomes reality and even surpasses it but this time I doubt it.
Just ideas.
@unknownuser said:
Oooooh oooohh ooohh!! Look what I found, webcam footage!
Tasty thread!!!
Don t worry guys!Nothing bad can happen ! Remember first time wheel was probably square ,then rounded but still uncomfortable, then we discovered the tire and we re still polishing it.
Every invention takes time until the effects can reach maximum potential.Who knows what can be discovered from here,maybe something totally different from what they expected .
Till then leave in peace because at least this is up to you!!
No need to worry, thats just a white hole
This is not a white hole! That was the light of my monitor that just disappears.
Hole white ? All right
Men are tough, we are. I am.
Maybe it must be the way we undoubtlly learn.
We are now , again, under the incรณgnita.But the people HAVE the power, and for me it is delightfull to sense it and somehow, sometimes, remember the 2012 that is arriving under unknown and unpredictable way, as far as I can expect and desire.
so dont despair and be welcomed ยก
ones looses and others gainlets be confident
- topic:timeago-later,4 months
It's broken again....!
BBC News - LHC to shut down for a year to address design faults
The Large Hadron Collider must be shut down for a year starting in late 2011 to address design flaws, the BBC has learned.
"Murphy rule" again
Well of course it's gonna break. .. they keep colliding Stuff. . .
Colliding. .. collision . . .. HELLOOOO!
It's not exactly broken, the article says that it will be shut down at the end of 2011 for 2 years to adress some design faults and till then it will run at half capacity.
Dear Chaps,
It is not really a design fault; more a design improvement, with 'instrument' and personnel safety in mind. Why take the risk of a major incident if it can be designed out. Remember, nothing like this has been done before. It is an experiment, and the first (and probably) the last of its kind. The first video shows the controlled quench of a small superconducting magnet,
the second an uncontrolled rise in pressure (magnets are often shipped cold),
Collimators around the LHC intercept stray particles and stop beam energy from being dumped into the superconducting coils which would cause them to heat and possibly quench uncontrollably. That is why the LHC is being restricted to low particle velocities until the improvements are implemented. Here a collimator is shown being installed,
The planned modifications are to ensure that if the magnets do quench, which is likely to happen if control of the beam is lost, they quench safely.
Bob -
Did Toyota do some of the components ?
You have left me with the image of the controller thinking he was revving the beam to half speed, and then finding that the throttle peddle was glued to the floor.
@tig said:
Did Toyota do some of the components ?
Most of them actually--Since they knew this was all about excessive acceleration and collision they were hoping to call the thing to be called Prius Collider
but . .. that didn't take.