Re: [Plugin] Another Mirror Ruby
Thanks Matt, that did the trick however I cannot see the image, just the toolbar. I have the image placed in my Plugins folder, does it need to go elsewhere?
Thanks again.
@unknownuser said:
cmd.large_icon = cmd.small_icon = File.join("plugins", "MI.png")
This line sounds wrong to me. Replace it with:
cmd.large_icon = cmd.small_icon = "Plugins"/MI.png"
Excuse me I have not tested the code...@didier said:
cmd.large_icon = cmd.small_icon = "Plugins"/MI.png"
I don't use slashes in my scripts, because I think (not sure) they could cause a bug on mac machines...
cmd.large_icon = cmd.small_icon = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"MI.png")
Thank you for your correction Didier !
@unknownuser said:
I now TIG did one but here's another..
Mirror Creates reversed images of existing objects. You have the option of erasing or retaining your original image β to create a symmetrical mirror effect or to simply reverse the image. Author: Originally created by Frank Wiesner.
[attachment=0:24s5sp9i]<!-- ia0 -->Mirror3[1].0.rb<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:24s5sp9i]To set the record straight... Frank invented the Mirror script ages ago: however, after version 2.6 I rewrote it - using some of his algorithms for picking the mirroring lines/planes etc, but with a completely different mirroring method. Everything after v3 [so far] is my tweaking of the code... My version is at v3.1...
If you want to make a toolbar / icon feel free. Remember to increment the revision / version and publish it. Then if I [or anyone else taking up the mantel] need to make any future adjustments it'll be based on that current updated version...
Mirror is in the public domain - so simply adjust it with your 'improvements' - remembering to credit previous originators - like Frank, or me - in the introductory notes - and let it rip...
perhaps some of our ruby experts could tweak this script so that when installed the icon would be too.
I installed the icon made by matt666 in my plugins directory and made the requisite changes to the plugin as specified on this forum. The icon is showing in my SketchUp Interface. Unfortunately when I select a group, click on the mirror icon, select two axis for mirroring. ....nothing happens
i've modified the plugin like this...
# Name ; Mirror 3.0 ### # Description ; Mirrors Selection at Point, Line or Plane # Author ; Originally by Frank Wiesner # BUT NOTE from v2.6 it's been TIG tweaked and rewritten...### # Usage ; 1. Make Selection (Any Entites allowed)### # 2. Select 'Mirror Selection' from Plugins Menu # or from Context Menu or your ShortCut Key ### # 3. If here's no Selection then dialog informs ### # 4. Pick a Point and RETURN to Mirror at the Point # 5. Pick a Second Point and RETURN to Mirror at the Line # 6. Pick a Third Point to Mirror at the Plane # 7. Final Option is Erase Original ? ### # If Yes then Highlighting of Selection passes to Copies # (Note; Erase is undo-able separately from the Mirroring) ### # Type ; Script # History; # 3.0 05 Aug 2006 ### TIG Ending rewritten to avoid rare bugsplats. # 2.9 03 Aug 2006 ### TIG Start;commit loops to avoid rare bugsplats. # 2.8 26 July 2006 ### TIG re-tweaked - Rewritten to be MUCH simpler. # Mirroring of ANY Entity Selection works properly. # 2.7 23 July 2006 ### TIG tweaked - Rewritten generally. # Now processes Multiple selections of Groups and/or # Components, but warns if any 'loose' (UnGrouped) # Faces in Selection as they might lose any RePostioned # Texture data, interfere etc. # 2.6 22 July 2006 ### TIG tweaked - Context menu added IF ONE group/compo. # Warns about selection IF NOT ONE group/compo. # Materials now preserved in mirrored copy BUT you will # need to group selection to preserve material positioning # - although this is define-able it is not find-able from # the orignal face info ! # Final option to Erase of Original Group/Compo. # 2.5 (8.Jul.2oo5) - bugfix; faces with holes reduce now to a single face # - major code rewrite (dropped @clondedObject hash, heavy # use of groups during construction,... # - more redundant constructions, but seems to be more robust # - WARNING; POLYGONS DO NOT WORK VERY WELL # 2.4 (5.Jul.2oo5) - all unnecessary edges created by the add_faces_from_mesh() # method are erased! faces with holes mirror now perfectly. # 2.3 (4.Jul.2oo5) - fixed "mirror at plane" error # 2.2 (2.Jul.2oo5) - works in group editting mode # - prevents picking of identical points # 2.1 (1.Jul.2oo5) - fixed "undo group" bug # - code cleanup # 2.0 (30.Jun.2oo5) - new tool-like interface # 1.4 (29.Jun.2oo5) - arc bug fixed # - code simplified (clone_selection() removed) # 1.3 (24.Jun.2oo5) - can handle faces with holes in it (although more edges # are drawn than nessesary) # - correct orientation of mirrored faces # - supports arcs (at least works for circles), curves and groups # 1.2 (20.Jun.2oo5) - axis and origin selection algorithm does not rely on tool tips any more. # 1.1 (19.Jun.2oo5) - fix coplanar point bug # - better tooltips # - supports mirror at lines (edges, axis, construction lines) # - mirror-at-plane code simplified # 1.o (10.Jun.2oo5) - first version require 'sketchup.rb' class MirrorTool def initialize @MIRROR_AT_POINT = 1 @MIRROR_AT_LINE = 2 @MIRROR_AT_PLANE = 3 @numPrecision = 0.00001 end def reset @pts = [] @state = 0 @transformationType = nil @trans = nil @point = nil @line = nil @linev = nil @plane = nil @planeNormal = nil @pointOnPlane = nil @curvesDone = @cloneGroup = nil @ip = Sketchup;; @ip1 = Sketchup;; @ip2 = Sketchup;; @ip3 = Sketchup;; @ip = Sketchup;; Sketchup;;set_status_text "Mirror; Pick First Point"### @drawn = false end def activate ###Sketchup.send_action("showRubyPanel;") self.reset ss=Sketchup.active_model.selection if ss.empty? Sketchup;;set_status_text "Mirror; NO Selection !"### UI.messagebox("Select Something BEFORE Using the Mirror Tool.")###v2.8 Sketchup.active_model.select_tool nil end end def deactivate(view) view.invalidate if @drawn @ip1 = nil @ip2 = nil @ip3 = nil end def onMouseMove(flags, x, y, view) case @state when 0 # getting the first end point @ip.pick view, x, y if( @ip.valid? && @ip != @ip1 ) @ip1.copy! @ip end view.invalidate view.tooltip = @ip.tooltip if @ip.valid? when 1 # getting the second end point @ip.pick view, x, y, @ip1 if( @ip.valid? && @ip != @ip2 ) @ip2.copy! @ip @pts[1] = @ip2.position end view.invalidate view.tooltip = @ip.tooltip if @ip.valid? when 2 # getting the third end point @ip.pick view, x, y, @ip2 if( @ip.valid? && @ip != @ip3 ) @ip3.copy! @ip @pts[1] = @ip3.position end view.invalidate view.tooltip = @ip.tooltip if @ip.valid? end end def onLButtonDown(flags, x, y, view) @ip.pick view, x, y if( @ip.valid? ) case @state when 0 if( @ip.valid? ) @pts[0] = @ip.position Sketchup;;set_status_text "Mirror; Hit RETURN to Mirror at Point or Pick Point 2" @state = 1 end when 1 if( @ip.valid? && @ip != @ip1 ) @pts[1] = @ip.position @state = 2 Sketchup;;set_status_text "Mirror; Hit RETURN to Mirror at Line or Pick Point 3" end when 2 if( @ip.valid? && @ip != @ip1 && @ip != @ip2 ) @pts[2] = @ip.position @state = 3 mirror() end end end end def onCancel(flag, view) view.invalidate if @drawn reset end def draw(view) if( @ip.valid? && @ip.display? ) @ip.draw(view) @drawn = true end if( @state == 1 ) view.set_color_from_line(@ip1, @ip) view.draw(GL_LINE_STRIP, @ip1.position, @ip.position) @drawn = true elsif( @state == 2 ) view.drawing_color = "gray" view.draw(GL_LINE_STRIP, @ip1.position, @ip2.position) view.set_color_from_line(@ip2, @ip) view.draw(GL_LINE_STRIP, @ip2.position, @ip.position) @drawn = true end end def onKeyDown(key, repeat, flags, view) if( key == CONSTRAIN_MODIFIER_KEY && repeat == 1 ) @shift_down_time = if( view.inference_locked? ) view.lock_inference elsif( @ip.valid? ) view.lock_inference @ip end end end def onKeyUp(key, repeat, flags, view) if( key == CONSTRAIN_MODIFIER_KEY && view.inference_locked? && ( - @shift_down_time) > 0.5 ) view.lock_inference end if( key == 13) mirror() self.reset end end def mirror() case @state when 1 @transformationType = @MIRROR_AT_POINT @point = @ip1.position.clone @trans = Geom;;Transformation.scaling(@point, -1.0) Sketchup.active_model.start_operation "Mirror at Point" when 2 @transformationType = @MIRROR_AT_LINE @line = [@ip1.position, @ip2.position] @linev = Geom;;, @ip2.position.y-@ip1.position.y, @ip2.position.z-@ip1.position.z) Sketchup.active_model.start_operation "Mirror at Line" when 3 @transformationType = @MIRROR_AT_PLANE @plane = Geom.fit_plane_to_points(@ip1.position, @ip2.position, @ip3.position) @planeNormal = Geom;;[0], @plane[1], @plane[2]) @planeNormal.normalize! @pointOnPlane = @ip1.position Sketchup.active_model.start_operation "Mirror at Plane" end ### ss=Sketchup.active_model.selection### sents=[] ss.each{|e|sents.push(e)} copy_group=Sketchup.active_model.active_entities.add_group(sents) new_group=copy_group.copy nents=[] new_group.entities.each{|e|nents.push(e)} new_center = mirror_point(new_center) t=nil t = Geom;;Transformation.scaling(new_center,-1,-1,-1)if @state==1 t = Geom;;Transformation.rotation(new_center,@linev,Math;;PI)if @state==2 tt=nil if @state==3 xxx=@planeNormal.normalize.to_a[0].abs*-1 yyy=@planeNormal.normalize.to_a[1].abs*-1 zzz=@planeNormal.normalize.to_a[2].abs*-1 xxx=1 if xxx>0 yyy=1 if yyy>0 zzz=1 if zzz>0 xxx=-1 if xxx<=0 yyy=-1 if yyy<=0 zzz=-1 if zzz<=0 t = Geom;;Transformation.scaling(new_center,xxx,yyy,zzz) tt= Geom;;Transformation.rotation(new_center,@planeNormal,Math;;PI) end#if new_group.transform!(t)if t###mirror new_group.transform!(tt)if tt### transVec = Geom;;,, t = Geom;;Transformation.translation(transVec) new_group.transform!(t)###then move ### ending dialog... Sketchup;;set_status_text "Mirror; Erase Original Selection ?"### if UI.messagebox("Erase Original Selection ? ",MB_YESNO,"")==6 ### 6=YES 7=NO Sketchup.active_model.commit_operation###v2.9 Sketchup.active_model.start_operation "Mirror; Erase Original Selection" Sketchup.active_model.selection.clear copy_group.erase! new_group.explode nents.each{|e|Sketchup.active_model.selection.add(e)if e.valid?}###v3.0 Sketchup.active_model.commit_operation else Sketchup.active_model.selection.clear new_group.explode copy_group.explode sents.each{|e|Sketchup.active_model.selection.add(e)if e.valid?}###v3.0 Sketchup.active_model.commit_operation###v2.9 end#if ### self.reset Sketchup.send_action "selectSelectionTool;" end#def def mirror_point(new_p) if (@transformationType == @MIRROR_AT_PLANE) if (!new_p.on_plane?(@plane)) mirrorp = new_p.project_to_plane(@plane) @trans = Geom;;Transformation.scaling(mirrorp, -1.0) new_p.transform!(@trans) end elsif (@transformationType == @MIRROR_AT_LINE) if (!new_p.on_line?(@line)) mirrorp = new_p.project_to_line(@line) @trans = Geom;;Transformation.scaling(mirrorp, -1.0) new_p.transform!(@trans) end elsif (@transformationType == @MIRROR_AT_POINT) if (!(new_p == @point)) new_p.transform!(@trans) end end end#def end # class MirrorTool ### menus ############################################################## if( not file_loaded?("mirror3.0.rb") ) tb = UI;;"Mirror") cmd = UI;;"MI") { Sketchup.active_model.select_tool } cmd.large_icon = cmd.small_icon = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"MI.png") cmd.tooltip = cmd.status_bar_text = "Mirror" tb.add_item(cmd)"Plugins").add_item("Mirror Selection") { Sketchup.active_model.select_tool } UI.add_context_menu_handler do | menu | if Sketchup.active_model.selection menu.add_separator menu.add_item("Mirror Selection") { Sketchup.active_model.select_tool } end end state = tb.get_last_state if(state == TB_NEVER_SHOWN) elsif (state == TB_VISIBLE) tb.restore end end file_loaded("mirror3.0.rb")
arjunmax09: All formatting is lost like that. Use the [code] tag to mark up code. Or preferably, when you got a longer piece of code like that, just upload the .rb file.
Please remove one of your duplicated posts - one is more than long enough ! [done, thanks]
Also, please put long bits of code inside a code/code-block - it keeps its formating and is easier to read/copy.Your toolbar/menu part works fine for me - so you must have edited something else within the main text ???
Just copy your new part [below '###menus###...'] and then paste it over the equivalent section in a copy of the original script - it should then work...
Note that the last version is 3.1...Are you picking suitable axes, points to actually give a 'mirror' ?
@tig said:
Please remove one of your duplicated posts - one is more than long enough ! [done, thanks]
Also, please put long bits of code inside a code/code-block - it keeps its formating and is easier to read/copy.Your toolbar/menu part works fine for me - so you must have edited something else within the main text ???
Just copy your new part [below '###menus###...'] and then paste it over the equivalent section in a copy of the original script - it should then work...
Note that the last version is 3.1...Are you picking suitable axes, points to actually give a 'mirror' ?
yeah i'm picking the right axes, points to give a mirror.... only to find nothing...
uh.... TIG I know zilch about ruby... I just followed the instructions given on the forum to modify my mirror plugin... but nothin' happened... I'm unable to understand the instructions that ur givin' on this post. Is it necessary that I keep the old mirror ruby in my folder as well as the new one... i.e. 2 ruby files for mirror in my plugins folder??
You only need one 'version' of the script.
It is a self-contained file with everything it needs inside it [unless of course it's the toolbar version which then needs the button's image file too]Temporarily remove one of the scripts and see if the other one works...
Also try opening the Ruby Console [Windows Menu] and type in [or easier copy/paste it]Sketchup.active_model.select_tool(
key.Does the mirror tool then work or print an error etc ?
Do you get prompted for the axes etc ?
What does the Ruby Console say when you run the tool in the four available ways - from Plugins Menu, Toolbar, Right-click Context-Menu and Typing in the command as above ?Do you pick three discrete points that form something to mirror about - say one point on the group and then a point on the green axis and one on then blue axis ? You should then get a copy made and a request to keep/erase the original...
@tig said:
You only need one 'version' of the script.
It is a self-contained file with everything it needs inside it [unless of course it's the toolbar version which then needs the button's image file too]Temporarily remove one of the scripts and see if the other one works...
Also try opening the Ruby Console [Windows Menu] and type in [or easier copy/paste it]Sketchup.active_model.select_tool(
- <enter> key.
Does the mirror tool then work or print an error etc ?
No ... it doesn't ....My older version of mirror plugin works just fine [i haven't tweaked it for the icon]... ..Can you upload your tweaked mirror script [ the one that uses the icon]so that i can use it????
and... one more question..... I don't know ruby... is there a standard string that can be added to a ruby script so that i can make its custom toolbar or buttons work...??? I really hate scrolling through the plugins menu to get the one i want to use...
See my edited post...
Have you removed the 'working version' and retried in case they are clashing ?
I actually don't have a toolbar version as I always use a shortcut key to run it. -
@tig said:
See my edited post...
Have you removed the 'working version' and retried in case they are clashing ?
I actually don't have a toolbar version as I always use a shortcut key to run it.Yeah... i've removed my 'workin version' and retried ....... the problem persists....
Actually this is what happening...
The objects that i want to mirror get recreated as a group on the spot itself. suppose i have a cube and next to it a sphere is there....
i select the sphere and cube using the shift key...
next i click on mirror button
next... i draw a line along green axis
now... i draw my path across blue axis...
..... the two objects get grouped together on the spot...
i can't seem to figure out the problem
It groups them to do the mirroring then explodes the group back as it was - if it's working...
I have decided I will add the tool button to the script for you and ensure it's working, then post it.
Can you post the .png button image for me please...
EDIT: no need I found it... -
Here's v3.2 with the toolbar option added.
Otherwise the script's workings are unchanged.
It's been fully tested and works when activated from the Menu, the Context-Menu, a Shortcut or the new Toolbar.
If the MI.png file is not found with the .rb file then the toolbar is NOT made.
You can activate this new 'Mirror' toolbar from View>Toolbars.
Put these 2 files into 'Plugins' - you can omit MI.png [or rename] it if you don't want a toolbar.Mirror.rb
I think a variant of the Mirror Plugin, should consider creating a toolbar with 3 buttons: each one would perform the mirror simmetrically to one of the axis, asking before the operation to click on the plane to define the start of the mirror line.
It would work similarly to rot90 plugin, but for the mirror.
I hate myself for not being able to code, otherwise I'd do it myself!
Thank you very much, a basic tool and very useful!
Thank great, once I figured out to " as" the image.
Thanks for the script. However, I get a Bug Splat when I do not erase the original. I do not have this problem with SU 6. I'm running SU7.