SketchUp + Wiimote + IR Pen
My first tests using Wii and a homemade IR Pen with SketchUp:
The most fun part is to play with SketchyPhysics... the next step will be to use the Wiimote to control the Joints.
I´m posting this in the Ruby forum because it will be fantastic to see if someday we can have a new kind of ruby plugins for better use of the Wiimote in SketchUp.Daniel S
That looks liek great fun. how hard was it to set up?
very, VERY cool!!!!!! I'm guessing you change tools via hotkeys??
Mike RL
Really Easy...
I bought the wiimote yesterday, today i made the IR pen and this are my first things.
It´s very simple... and it´s really fun!!Daniel S
OOPS ... submitted the post befor I finished my thoughts. How hard is it to build? How expensive?? What actual part and pieces does one need? Have you got a "how to" video??
Mike RL
Wuaaaah !
Very cool Daniel .
So you followed the do-it-yourself instructions makig that IR pen hey. Nice results.
Where did you purchase the pen?
There seems to be a time lag between moving the pen and actually seeing things happen am I right?
Maybe technology will allow direct response soon?Anyway, a very creative thing you made .
And I just love the Verve!
(OT: what video editing software do you use?)
Maybe a Mod should merge the two identical threads......(the other is in 'discussions')
Ha! I love that you used my wiimote model at the beginning!
That aside, this looks really cool and tonnes of fun!
Looking forward to seeing more tests. -
@unknownuser said:
... Where is the other thread Daniel?
It's right here:
@basic.woodworks said:
I'm guessing you change tools via hotkeys??
Yes, with keyboard shortcuts with the other hand. But right now i´m testing to change between tools with gestures. It´s great! but for now it´s more easy with the keyboard.
@basic.woodworks said:
How hard is it to build? How expensive?? What actual part and pieces does one need? Have you got a "how to" video??
It´s very easy to build and it´s not expensive (it cost less than 100 dollars). You need a Wiimote that you read with bluetooth and a IR led.
I attach a image of the elements that youn need (found the models on the 3d warehouse). I don´t have a "how to" video, but there are a lot ones in youtube.
If you want to see what more you can make with the Wii look here: said:
Where did you purchase the pen?
There seems to be a time lag between moving the pen and actually seeing things happen am I right?
Maybe technology will allow direct response soon?I build the pen. It´s very easy.
It´s very fast. Not too much lag time for me. Perhaps i need a better bluetooth... i don´t know.@kwistenbiebel said:
(OT: what video editing software do you use?)
Windows Movie Maker
Daniel S
Pretty close to the way smart board works with sketchup. You can actually use your hands or fingers on the smart board.
@kwistenbiebel said:
Maybe a Mod should merge the two identical threads......(the other is in 'discussions')
Here I use the Wiimote to control SketchUp:
[flash=425,355:29j0bxbb][/flash:29j0bxbb] can zoom, orbit, pan, walk... you can make whatever you want because you can assign shortcuts to the Wiimote Buttons.
In the video I show that you can change the scenes with the wiimote for making presenations too.
For making this, I use the script from: and I make some changes.Daniel S
The idea is great, but.. it has one important flaw ...
how long can one keep his arm straight without any support?
Shouldn't you put your monitor flat (I am talking about first video technique).Tomasz
Hello to you all,
I can see this technic develop in something great were you can draw on your desktop with a reflective tape stuck on your fingertips.(or IR reflective nailpolisch
Or drawing on your dektop with a infrared-tip pen.
Its looks to me like a very promising development.
I could manipulating objects for example in sketchy physics with two hands.
At last i could solve part of my mikado game.
Bep van Malde