Wards Kerkythea Renders (various buildings)
Not bad. There's some issues here and there, but all in all these are a good start.
But! The language in your presentation is sloppy. If these are commercial presentations, that's a big no-no, I'd say. Run your presentation by a decent editor.
Allow me to give you an example. I love to whine. I'll do this in Dutch, for clarity. My apologies to the members of SCF who don't speak Dutch. Trust me, you're not missing out on anything particulary exciting.
Goed, hier gaan we.
"Luxe appartementen en studio's gesitueerd aan de kust." "Appartementen" en "flats" zijn niet hetzelfde, en ik gok dat jij "flats" bedoelt. Dat moet dus zijn: "luxeflats". Let op: één woord (het is dus ook "luxeappartementen"). Het is eveneens: "luxestudios". Dat tweede "luxe" liet je weg. Prima, dat mag. Maar dan hoort voor "studio's" een liggend streepje: "luxeflats en -studio's".
Bon. Voor "gesitueerd" hoort een komma: "luxeflats en -studio's, gesitueerd aan de kust". Mijn advies? Laat dat "gesitueerd" gewoon weg. Het is overbodig. Dan kan die komma meteen ook in de prullenmand. Wat de evenwichtigheid van het tekstbeeld ten goede komt. Dus: "luxeflats en -studio's aan de kust". Laat de hoofdletter en de punt ook maar weg; zo'n onderschriftje is niet echt een zin.
Nog één voorbeeldje: "Turks restaurant en lounge". Zeg dit enkele malen hardop. Bekt niet, hè? Dat komt doordat het "Turks restaurant" is (geen verbuigings-e), maar "TurksE lounge" (wél een verbuigings-e). Mijn advies: zoek een alternatief voor "lounge" dat geen "de-woord" is. Een woord, dus, dat net zoals "restaurant" met het lidwoord "het" aangeduid wordt.
God, wat ben ik saai.
(En wedden dat ik zΓ©lf een taalfout of wat maakte?) Let wel: ik probeer je niet het leven zuur te maken, of zo. Taalfouten in een presentatie lijken me gewoon niet zo'n goed idee.
Edit: Γ©rg saai.
Heel erg saai stinkie
Renders zijn goed, modellen misschien ietwat basic maar dat komt vanzelf wel
water ziet er prachtig uit in de laatste render :duim: is dat een standaard uit kerkythea of 'homemade' ?
[Good renders, models are somewhat basic but you'll get there
water effect looks awesome in the last render
is that a standard render option that comes with kerkythea or is it 'zelfgemaakt' ?]
@hfm said:
Heel erg saai stinkie
That's what I said.
Just wanted to point out there's more to presentation than pretty pictures.
As fo the pictures, something I forgot to mention: Ward, you may want to check out Kim Frederik's "Getting Started" tutorial and the materials repository over at the KT website.
Seems stinkie covered the text pretty well, i'll do the models (dont get too demoralised from all the crits btw. heyre pretty damm good really, but its always good to aim for perfection.)
First thing, i reckon you need a background for your renders. They look pretty amuteurish with just the gradient background. Either you can use an HDR map for your background (i think kerkythea supports them, need confirmation though) or you could just put the model in to a photo using ps. If you can be bothered to fiddle about with them, id say HDRs are the way to go as they will give you reflections from the environment and generally make your scene look better.
Second thing id recommend is to put the models in a bit more context. An environment map (the HDR i was talking about before) would probably help with this, but adding a few massed out surroundings cant do any harm.
Final thing is to go for some more interesting camera angles. Of the things ive mentioned this is definitely the easiest to play around with, so its definitely worth playing around with it. Very generally id say try and go for angles that are either eye level or birds eye view, although this is very sweeping. The bottom line is its best experiment. Oh and dont forget field of view, it can make your shots look a lot more exciting.
And dont forget to have fun, thats probably the most important part
@ Stinkie
Thanks for the feedback.
I didn't really pay a lot of attention to the text.I just wanted to present my models and give a brief description. I'll put some more time and effort in the text part next time!
The water is made using Dielectric glass material in KT.
Adding a water ripple bumpmap to it and tweaking some settings. I really like the result!@ Remus
Thanks for your comment. I'll get back to you on the usage of skies and backgrounds.
I'm having some trouble in KT getting them right.Anyways... I've only been here a day, but I learned quite a few things. Thanks guys!
@eduardonl said:
@ Stinkie Thanks for the feedback. I didn't really pay a lot of attention to the text.
No-one ever does, mate! And that's where geeks like me come in. Oh yeah, forgot to mention: I like the sketches. Maybe give 'em a little more prominent place in your presentation?
Also, don't use the textures that come with SU. They suck. I think I mentioned the KT mats repository. Check out Maxwell's MXM Gallery, too. Useful texture maps in there.
Using decent textures is very, very important.
New render of Sail Appartements.
@remus said:
Either you can use an HDR map for your background (i think kerkythea supports them, need confirmation though)
Of course KT supports HDRI's...
... and it's got a tree library too, if I'm correct.
Frederik, i suspected as much.
i like the new render of the sail apartments btw. I think the background helps a lot, although im bound to say that.
@unknownuser said:
... and it's got a tree library too, if I'm correct.
There is some really nice trees in KT model library, look at KT download area and model selection in KT forums.
I found those trees allright... took my computer almost 3 mins. to open the model. Rendering takes ages!
@eduardonl said:
I found those trees allright... took my computer almost 3 mins. to open the model. Rendering takes ages!
Of course the render time will increase when using some of the Xfrog trees available...
Please remember that it's high poly 3D trees...What render preset are you using..??
For an outdoor scene like this you should try preset no. 17 (Path Trasing - Progressive)...
After about 50 passes, your render should look fairly crisp, and with some instanced Xfrog trees, I would imagine that it should only take about 60 minutes to reach, which IMHO is fair when using such high quality 3D trees... -
I need to buy a new computer...
I like to make models in SU and render them in Kerkythea, just to see the result. I'm not (yet) aiming for a perfect, crips clean render. (which would take me hours)@ Frederik
Setting are on preset no. 6
no. 17 takes a bit too long, can you recommend any other settings? -
@eduardonl said:
Setting are on preset no. 6
no. 17 takes a bit too long, can you recommend any other settings?Preset 6 is good, but it all depends on the complexity of your scene...
Sometimes preset 6 will take much longer...Like I said... For an exterior scene like this, with only the sun to light it up, preset no. 17 is my preferred...
Although it shows 10000 passes before it's finished, you can finish it at any stage and by experience you will learn that the scene usually is crisp and clean after 50-60 passes...If you insert som instanced Xfrog trees, I'm sure that preset 6 will take much longer compared to preset 17...