[Plugin] Select component instances on right click
Dear Rick,
I have been using your script for quite a while now, and find it very useful. Particularly for making arrays of holes. I draw the first circle on the surface and then make it a component - say Hole_1. I then use move and copy to array the component on the surface. Then I select one of the hole components and go to "select instances". I then explode the components which makes all the circles sink nicely into the surface (no need to trace over circles). This is followed by the push/pull tool to drive the holes through the component (double click if uniform thickness).
Thanks once again.
Bob -
OK found the culprit. Did not remove old selectinstance.rb. Now have the select families and it works like charm.... Thanks for very useful script.
did not get your comment.
Would it be possible to change the script so that it don't select instances that are hidden, or instances that are on a hidden layer ?
Just an idea, don't know if others have this need
Jorgensen -
@jorgensen said:
Would it be possible to change the script so that it don't select instances that are hidden, or instances that are on a hidden layer ?
Yes it is. It's even far better. The link on the first post has been refreshed
@sepo said:
I have installed the version 2 from the top of this tread.
ThanksHi sepo, What are the name of your instances? select instances only works when components are selected, no groups allowed in the selection set.
Are you sure you've deleted the first version of the plugin? -
very impressed.
Doesn't work for me for the Families.
If I select either a unique component version or the original component, right-click, choose Families from the menu the result is that the geometry is DESELECTED.
I copied the script at the top of the posting 31 May 08 (a.m.).
Also, note that the there are two .rb's listed in the script, one with "v2", the other without.
This is a copy of part of the script's code. See the reference to the .rb in the 1st and last line:
@unknownuser said:
if (not file_loaded?("select_instance.rb") )
UI.add_context_menu_handler do |menu|
if compos_valid_selection
menu.add_item("Select Instances") { select_component_instance }
menu.add_item("Select Families") { select_component_made_unique }
endfile_loaded "select_instancev2.rb"
Attached is a test file. Now when I run the script, choosing Select Families recogizes a family component and selects one family instance.
Try right-clicking on each component instant and the choose Select Families; for me the resulting selection always changes to Object B. Is the script intended to work or is it supposed to select all family instances at once?
Hi John,
I don't understand what's wrong with the list. Do you mean in your plugins folder? You should erase the former version, the one without the "v2", from this folder.
I tried again and again and everything is ok on my side. What are the name of your components ? -
Hi John,
@unknownuser said:
Is the script intended to work or is it supposed to select all family instances at once?
it has been fixed (DL on the first post)
Thank you.
I want to select multiple components with similar definition names (like "compo" and "comp#1") in the entire Model. It means, it means not only those inside the selected object, but also the others ones which are inside other objects.I have the following plugins:
[] "Selection Toys", which selects components from everywhere, but only those with same name.
[] "Select Instances", which selects component families with similar names (like "compo" and "comp#1"), but only inside the selected object and not everywhere. -
Take care making selection sets that span different contexts - you can Bugsplat it you try to manipulate them !
To select instances of similar named definitions this will workn="match";m=Sketchup.active_model;s=m.selection;s.clear;m.definitions.each{|d|s.add d.instances if d.name=~/#{n}/}
Change the string 'match' within the "" to the pattern match you want - I suggest that you read-up of pattern-matching - e.g. n="[Cc]at" finds all definitions like 'Cat', 'cat1', 'tomcat', whereas anchoring the pattern to the start/end like this n="^[Cc]at" only matches 'Cat and 'cat1', or n="m[Cc]at$" to only matches '#tomcat' and 'TomCat'...
It didn't work first, because there was a "$" in the string (it looked like "abc$match"), so took only the part after "$" (and it looked like "match")and it work well. Thank you very much.
By the way, are there any "good" Sketchup Ruby Tutorials/Books for Beginners? I would really like to learn it.
@abdullah said:
It didn't work first, because there was a "$" in the string (it looked like "abc$match"), so took only the part after "$" (and it looked like "match")and it work well. Thank you very much.
By the way, are there any "good" Sketchup Ruby Tutorials/Books for Beginners? I would really like to learn it.
Look for Automatic Sketchup - as a pdf or a to-buy hard-copy.
There are also several other links in the "developers' forum"...
If you place a $ at the very end it says the pattern ends there.
If you want to search for a '$' inside the text escape it '$'; same with the '^' which marks the very beginning.
Here's a short guide to pattern matching... http://www.tutorialspoint.com/ruby/ruby_regular_expressions.htm -
That's great, thanks ...
Hi, Is there any way of selecting component families even if they are in groups or nested within other components? The only way i can get it to work with this plugin is if i explode until all desired components are no longer grouped or component nested.
Thanks TIG and Abdullah for sorting out a that code
I was frantically, searching the forum for a solution that i missed this code.
Alot of my component instances, have annoyingly renamed, with #1, #2 etc added to them, ultimately creating new component definitions, increasing file size
now that i can select multiple instances at once, I can replace them with one component definition.
However I still don't why this is happening, other people have this problem too:
might start a new post to see if there is any more info
Great plugin. Thanks