Thank You!
Do You have the same problem? -
Yes - we are not able to place text or dimensioning.
For just a little labeling, you could place 3D text in the SketchUp model.
You could also place 3D text in the model like (#1) and have #1 refer to notes in the body of the PDF document.
I use Deep exploration for my 3D pdf's, however the same issue exists so I have started using arrow lables as shown below.
The SU model
The 3D pdf result
Not quite the desired result, but works pretty well.
Are arrow labels a SKP feature, or do you just make them?
The RpTools "text / sign" feature is similar - it takes RTF text and places it as an image or on a sign component, but the arrow idea is a good one.
The arrows and caption planes I made in SU and now have a whole folder of different shapes for different display needs. I use PSP to make my labels (very quick actually) and apply them to the designated text face on the shape as a texture.
I attached the one from sample above.
Paintshop pro
Ah yes.
Our SketchUp tool lets you create text with colors and formatting, and save in on a SketchUp image for placement in a drawing.
I mention this for any other users who may be reading this thread, rather than the power users, because once you learn how to do this quickly with paintshop, and import, you don't need a special SketchUp tool. However, new users sometimes appreciate a "dont have to leave SketchUp" tool.
I guess one other advantage of the RpTools tool is that you can right click on the sign in SketchUp, reload and edit the text, and update the sign. (We save the .RTF format for the text on the SketchUp entity.)
At any rate, I hope you don't mind if we "borrow" your idea, and add an arrow option to our Sign tool to make pointers...
hi everyone,
why not use exported jpg images than convert it to PDF file?i found this:
@unknownuser said:
I've finally figured it out: you have to also make sure that you're in hidden line mode. shading will throw off the scale when exporting to pfd. in hidden line, works like a charm. surprised no one mentioned this as a possible solution.
Thank you everyone for sugestions but I stil dont understand why it can not be seen in PDF.
RPS 3D PDF can display faces and images but cannot display text and dimensioning.
You will have to place you text and dimensioning as "images" in the 3D PDF in order to be able to see them.
O.K. I will try!