Quick select edges using the eraser tool!
I posted this before, but looks like it got lost because of that server backup restore problem thing, so here it is again:
You know when you want to select some edges, and the shift-clicking is just taking too long? Don't you wish there was a selection tool that works like the eraser tool, so you can select the edges you want just by dragging along them? Well you can! And using the eraser tool too! Choose the eraser tool, and start dragging along the edges you want to select. Done? WAIT!! Don't release that mouse button yet! Right click any of the edges you selected (while still holding down the left mouse button [and make sure you're right clicking an edge, not a face]). The context menu will pop up. Move the mouse away from the menu, and you can now saftely release the left mouse button. Press Esc to close the context menu and...Volia! Your edges are still selected!
I know it seems complicated, but once you get the hang of it it becomes very easy, and it's much better than all the shift-clicking!
Note: You can then right-click > select > connected faces, to select faces as well.
And a big WELCOME! aboard to you Justry: with such a slick trick, thank you very much...yahoo! I will use this all the time.
@justry said:
I posted this before, but looks like it got lost because of that server backup restore problem thing...
Yes, sorry about that.
And yes; a big welcome with such a nifty tip! -
Thanks a lot guys, and the forum is really great, I love it!
Go ahead man, it's all yours!
Hey, great trick!
Nobody made a big welcome like this when I started.
Just Kiddin.
Update: instead of all the right click thingy, you can just press any shortcut key (e.g. space for the select tool) before releasing the LMB. That'll still keep your edges selected.
I saw this in a thread somewhere in the forums, but by the time I thought I'd add it here, I'd forgotten where I saw it, so if you know who it was please post his name here
Very useful. Thanks Justry
That IS a great trick, learning learning...
There is so much in this forum, now I'll spend all my time w/ SU and never actually build anything!
Thank you, Shopdude -
As I was trying to explain this so usefull tip to a friend, I decided to produce out a small screencast of it. Here is the result:(Remind: press spacebar before release EraserTool and that's it!)
Thanks to all contributors for this.
Using the Spacebar makes it even easier and a bit intuitive. The Eraser first selects but does not actually erase until you release the mouse button. Think of pressing the Spacebar as changing the Erase selection to a Selection selection. "Opps, I didn't mean to erase, I meant to select; I'll just change tools in mid-action."
You can, of course, make the reverse change, in a way. "Opps, I didn't mean to select, I meant to erase." Just hit Delete.
But to collect the selection in the first place, dragging the Eraser tool is a LOT faster than Shift-Click, Shift-Click, Shift-Click, Shift-Click.
The Eraser is the only tool that I can think of that collects a selection before it actually operates. Anybody got any others?
I hope this adds something to the discussion,
August -
@august said:
The Eraser is the only tool that I can think of that collects a selection before it actually operates. Anybody got any others?
No,although there are other tools that autoselect (like the PushPull or Move or Rotate), they can only select one entity at a time.
On another note, the Eraser can only select edges (not faces) so the autoselect function of say the PP tool can be used for other tricks like reversing faces quickly - you only need to set up a shortcut key for the function itself and "browse through" the faces with the PP tool while hitting the shortcut like a madman.
Every tool has its own, little "side effect"
. Works also of course with "del"
Dear all,
It seems fredo has developed the perfect tool which makes the tip of the Eraser Tool unnecessary:
[Plugin] HoverSelect 1.1d - Multi-selection of Edges
SketchUp is in the way to become a Fredoogle product