Do we have a Joke Thread goin here?
Jackson, maybe it was the punctuation?
My wife and I went to the state fair and one of the first exhibits we stopped at was the breeding bulls. We went up to the first pen and there was a sign attached that said,
My wife playfully nudged me in the ribs ......Smiled and said, 'He mated 50 times last year.'
We walked to the second pen which had a sign attached that said,
My wife gave me a healthy jab and said, 'WOW~~That's more than twice a week! ..........You could learn a lot from him.'
We walked to the third pen and it had a sign attached that said,
in capital letters,'THIS BULL MATED 365 TIMES LAST YEAR'
My wife was so excited that her elbow nearly broke my ribs, and said,
'That's once a day ..You could REALLY learn something from this one.'I looked at her and said,
'Go over and ask him if it was with the same old cow.'My condition has now been upgraded from critical
to stable and I should eventually make a full recovery. -
@dave r said:
Jackson, maybe it was the punctuation?
My wife and I went to the state fair and one of the first exhibits we stopped at was the breeding bulls. We went up to the first pen and there was a sign attached that said,
My wife playfully nudged me in the ribs ......Smiled and said, 'He mated 50 times last year.'
We walked to the second pen which had a sign attached that said,
My wife gave me a healthy jab and said, 'WOW~~That's more than twice a week! ..........You could learn a lot from him.'
We walked to the third pen and it had a sign attached that said,
in capital letters,'THIS BULL MATED 365 TIMES LAST YEAR'
My wife was so excited that her elbow nearly broke my ribs, and said,
'That's once a day ..You could REALLY learn something from this one.'I looked at her and said,
'Go over and ask him if it was with the same old cow.'My condition has now been upgraded from critical
to stable and I should eventually make a full recovery. -
First of KDSDESIGN [Kids Design
No quoting of messages right above yours. I believe Coen has given you a warning about this also.
Secondly, I'm having a very hard time believing that you are 22. Those 'jokes' look like they've been typed by a hyperactive 10 year old
i get E-mails from cousins alot and post them randomly. there is no need to say that i get this alot.
2nd of all no mocking me, all it does is make you look inmature. (sorry if that was rude)
3rd im not gonna post SNL jokes and get myself kicked out (half of them arent funny anyway)
4th its off topic (so is this lol) -
@kdsdesign said:
i get E-mails from cousins alot and post them randomly. there is no need to say that i get this alot.
And yet, you don't wise up? How profoundly peculiar.
@kdsdesign said:
first one IN an e-mail
One reason not to get drunk:
3 guys were in a bus. one had budwieser one had bud light and the third guy had root beer
the first guy says to the third guy: get REAL beer. the second guy says the same thing. they all threw their dinks away and got on a plane. the third guy told the first guy to go into the bathroom and put something on and handed him a suitcase. he told the second guy to hit on some 15 year old girl. so they did. the first guy came out with a bra on the piolet told him to take it off. the second guy however started swearing to the piolet. he said: Thats it! im landing in LA get your stuff and Go you messed up alchohaulics!
2nd one (better)
a 6th grader and his mom were at a table trying to solve a math question 2 trains are crossed with each other. one is going 50MPH and the other is going 50MPH they are 80miles apart how long will it take for them to meet then the kid says, So the people know how much of their life is left before they crash?Are these the jokes that people aren't understanding?
The first...I'm guessing is not supposed to make sense. It is the reason you should not get drunk.
The second, though poorly told funny because the people are aware of the looming collision?The sad thing is, I actually laughed at the first one, my first time reading it...even though it made no sense at all.
i didnt like it eiether
Banta, a furniture dealer from Ludhiana, decided to Expand the line of furniture in his store, so he decided to go to Chennai to see what he could find.
After arriving in Chennai he met with some manufacturers and selected a line that he thought would sell well Back home in Ludhiana.
To celebrate the new acquisition, he decided to visit a small bar and have a beer. As he sat enjoying his beer, he noticed that the small place was quite crowded, and that the other chair at his table was the only vacant seat.
Before long, a very beautiful young woman came to his table, asked him something in Tamil (which he did not understand), and motioned toward the Chair. He invited her to sit down.
He tried to speak to her in Hindi, but she did not knew Hindi so, after a couple of minutes of trying to communicate with her, Banta took a napkin and drew a picture of a beer glass and showed it to her. She nodded, and he ordered a glass of beer for her.
After sitting together at the table for a while, he took another napkin, and drew a picture of a plate with food on it, and she nodded. They left the bar and found a quiet cafe that featured a small group playing romantic music.
They ordered dinner, after which he took another napkin and drew a picture of a couple dancing. She nodded, and they got up to dance. They danced until the cafe closed and the band was Packing up.
Back at their table, the young lady took a napkin and drew a picture of a four-poster bed.
To this day, Banta has no idea how she figured out he was in the Furniture business.
Why is the little Egyptian boy confused?
Because his daddy was a mummy... -
You should be ashamed Gai!!!
What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire?
Frost Bite
Why doesn't Santa let the Elves ride with him in the sleigh?
He can't afford the Elf Insurance
A man calls home to his wife and says, "Honey I have been asked to go fishing up in Canada with my boss & several of his friends. We'll be gone for a week. This is a good opportunity for me to get that promotion I've been wanting so could you please pack enough clothes for a week and set out my rod and tackle box.
We're leaving from the office & I will swing by the house to pick my things up.
Oh! and Please pack my new blue silk pajamas.
The wife thinks this sounds a bit fishy but being the good wife she does exactly what her husband asked. The following weekend he came home a little tired but otherwise looking good.
The wife welcomes him home and asks if he caught many fish?
He says, "Yes! Lots of Walleye, some Blue gill, and a few Pike,
but why didn't you pack my new blue silk pajamas like I asked you to do?"..
The wife replies, " I did , they're in your tackle box."
A housewife buys a parrot to keep her company during the day.
The clerk warns that the parrot was donated by a brothel, where he may have picked up some colorful language.
The housewife doesn't mind and brings the parrot home. When she uncovers the cage, the parrot says, "Brawkk! New Madam. Hello Madam."
When her three daughters come home from school, the parrot says, "Brawkk! New Girls. Hello Girls."
Finally, her husband, Phil, comes home from work, just in time for dinner.
When he walks past the parrot, the parrot says, "Brawkk! Hi Phil!"
Once Santa Singh and Banta Singh were going in a jungle, Suddenly they saw one tiger coming towards them.
To save themselves they climbed a tree and both sat on one branch. The tiger came under the tree and sat down.
Santa told Banta, ” Yaar just to pass Time Why don’t you sing some song”
Banta Singh started to sing. After singing four songs Banta hanged upside down on the branch and then again sung four songs.
After singing all the songs, Banta came back to his original position.
Santa asked curiosly, “Yaar Bantya, You sung four songs sitting in upright position and next four songs you sat upside down, Why did you do that?”
Banta told, ” Yaar First four songs were from side A and the other four were from Side B”
Off the Tonight Show with Jay leno:
a man was arested for breaking into a store to steal wine. people say they saw the man buying a hammer that costs $10.99 to steal an $8.99 bottle of wine.So he lost 2 dollars, AND he is in jail!
Q: If mothers have Mother's Day and fathers have Father's Day, what do single guys have?
A: Palm Sunday.
Hear the one about the Termite that walks into a bar and asks " Where's the bar tender"
they have a good sex jokes book (150 of them apparently) and some of which ive seen to, and always wondered where these came from..good cartoons. i was search something else entirely of course.