Re: Some Funny Pics.
Some ad campaigns have unintended consequences. I wonder if this radio station would want to maybe re-think this one. . .Or maybe this is what they meant. . .
I was in tears from laughing, even though I'd probably have a heart attack if this happened to me, I cannot understand a word but that does not matter..
@solo said:
I was in tears from laughing, even though I'd probably have a heart attack if this happened to me
Just like you and Tridem I believe anyone would sh*t their pants...
Hopefully the gagsters paid the victims' 'laundry bills' and also for their counseling for PTSD...
It was compelling and funny... but also a bit uncomfortable, watching people being truly frightened...
It's strange how everyone assumed it's something sinister/other-worldly, and doesn't consider a more logical explanation... Perhaps the ones who just looked at her and laughed didn't make it past the cutting-room...
I've be stuck in a lift [aka an elevator for non-Brits], on my own, for 40 minutes - it wasn't very pleasant - the emergency phone link was pants, there was no mobile-phone signal etc - but at least there were no phantasms appeared out of the walls
Tig wrote: "It's strange how everyone assumed it's something sinister/other-worldly, and doesn't consider a more logical explanation... Perhaps the ones who just looked at her and laughed didn't make it past the cutting-room..."
We had this question sort-of this holiday. My in-laws saw a UFO on the way over. My little nephew wanted to know "do you believe in UFO's?" I think there are things people see that they can't identify. But somehow it HAS to be an alien craft or a secret that the government (which can't hide anything else) has been hiding from us---and it's now seen over a crowded highway.
Yep. But she seemed to come out of nowhere and fit the Hollywood idea of a ghost. Good screamer too. What's the logical solution? A prank is one, I guess. I would hope that I'd at least want to talk to a ghost, while still freaked out.
@pbacot said:
Yep. But she seemed to come out of nowhere and fit the Hollywood idea of a ghost. Good screamer too.
Imagine they used this one:
No I wouldn't talk to that one. That's asking for trouble.
That video made for some great laughs. Unfortunately in the US, you'd either get sued into oblivion or shot.
They have a show in the US called 'Scare Tactics' and I remember reading how the show got sued for trying things similar to this.
@boofredlay said:
[attachment=0:2zpq9gfd]<!-- ia0 -->lion-cage.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:2zpq9gfd]
Meals on wheels
I never ate them anyway, but now that they are gone . ..I so want one.
I was talking with my 56+ YO coworker about the rolling stones and how long they've been around, he said "yeah amazing that Keith Richards has outlasted the twinkie"