Re: Some Funny Pics.
Not sure that book is around any longer...
I was looking at examples for Pete's "Model this Render this - Lava Lamp" and found this
This is not faked. My daughter donated some $$$ to the American Lung Association under her nom de Voyage . .. Turd Ferguson.
Look what she got back yesterday for Earth Day!
You really have to meet my daughter. No father could be prouder
Ha ha ha! Humor
Love it...
No comment on the last one...
remus that picture is so funny
@olishea said:
remus that picture is so funny
Ditto (although it took me a while to "see" those invisible d*cks)
at least they have a safety belt
Since your business meetings get nowhere as it is, why not get some exercise while you are at it?
Now, I am wondering how they get started