Re: Some Funny Pics.
@unknownuser said:
The Inflatable Pub
Not the inflatable party palace you want to order for Junior’s birthday. The Inflatable Pub is the place for the adults to play. Available in various sizes – from the massive corporate-event ready Hogshead model, to the cozy bachelor-party sized Firkin – these are perfect party playhouses where full-grown adults can behave like idiots and even fall down without getting hurt. If you squint your eyes a little, it even looks like Oktoberfest.
My dog
A merry christmas to all of you.
EDIT: fixed the embedding [TIG] -
Alan, that is creepy.
I have been missing my Recommended daily allowance of sparkles for awhile now. I was wondering where I could get those in a natural food source. I had been resorting to synthetic pharmacutical means. .. .I have been taking 600mg/day of Lepri-con.
This is better. Tastes like chicken. . .. magical chicken.
A little surprise at the end
For the guy with the gun, please read line 4