Re: Some Funny Pics.
Coulda gone all day without seeing that last one.
Rich... that gif had me rolling...
This guy is great.
I bet everyone suddenly got a 20/20 vision...
@unknownuser said:
This guy is great.
He's from my neck of the woods. . .I don't know why this particular guy made the Deseret News. . .All parents act like dorks out here--(yours truly excluded of course
(Dont ask my children however. .. )
@ThomThom: You just use Ctrl+Scroll. Simple as that. No, No, don't thank me, not necessary. No, seriously, it was nothing. Glad to help.
Ferfectly Fascinating Fstudy. Fanks for FPosting.
This was made by someone experiencing the 'clipping-plane-issue' in their SKP caused by having the chair's geometry too far from the origin -
@tig said:
This was made by someone experiencing the 'clipping-plane issue' in their SKP caused by having the chair's geometry too far from the origin
Is it super geeky to understand, experience and laugh out loud at such a specailist joke?