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Re: Some Funny Pics.
That's the best tutorial I've ever seen in all my life times Rich.
Rich, I don't get what is happening between steps 1 and 2, can you do a video tut.
Not really funny
Coulda gone all day without seeing that last one.
Rich... that gif had me rolling...
This guy is great.
Old mans Eye Test
I bet everyone suddenly got a 20/20 vision...
@unknownuser said:
This guy is great.
He's from my neck of the woods. . .I don't know why this particular guy made the Deseret News. . .All parents act like dorks out here--(yours truly excluded of course
(Dont ask my children however. .. )
@ThomThom: You just use Ctrl+Scroll. Simple as that. No, No, don't thank me, not necessary. No, seriously, it was nothing. Glad to help.