Re: Some Funny Pics.
To embed a video, copy and paste the embed code into the Reply box (but only're going to delete it eventually, so maybe carriage return it a little way down the box.)
Click on the Flash tab at the top, then copy the video size into the end of the first set of brackets after the Flash= , with the height and width separated by a comma. For example [Flash=480,385]
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or you can go to this thread :
and learn how to do it with jim´s plugin
_Beat you twice, Alan,
Thanks Alan, it's working now. Bit involved, isn't it?
XD Vuvuzela in B Flat! XD
Vuvuzelo Concerto ROFL
Wow, and we thought driving in Boston was bad!
What do you think causes this in this video? I didn't see too many signs, were these simply uncontrolled intersections? Is this what happens when a country that didn't used to have to worry about cars and now has to worry about millions of new drivers?
That's very unsettling at times, but in a 'oh no, must watch' way!
Escape Artist, I think you have something there. Except for the car at the end that goes flying off the road, the vehicles don't seem to be moving very fast. It looks as if the drivers of all the vehicles, cars, bikes and motorcycles don't know what it means to look around. Many of those accidents look like they would be avoided if those involved were turning their heads once in awhile.
I wonder what there is for driver training there.
That was so sad.
double goes to 2:00 and the last one
Not so much funny as jaw-droppingly unbelievable.
Apparently Chinese Intersection Etiquette is non-existent.
No need to worry about who has right of just wade in regardless.[flash=640,385:39ku13zn][/flash:39ku13zn]
Yeah, like Dave I suspect that they simply don't receive any instruction in road awareness or defensive driving...either that or they are totally impervious to it. For the most part, they're not even going particularly fast. How on earth you can have a head-on collision between two bikes, on a near empty road, at a closing speed of around 20 mph is totally beyond me.
oh my god!! 2:03....the guy is just standing there minding his own business then BANG car bumper to the legs! unbelievable!
To all the UK people here: they are changing the driving test soon to make it more difficult so hopefully there won't be many more mental drivers on our roads. I think they are proposing an extra 15 minutes of self-directed driving where the examiner keeps quiet and lets's you drive where you like. mcdonalds anyone haha
I'd love to see CCTV shots at either end of this bridge (if it gets built). It's a proposed link between Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland, switching traffic from left to right and vice versa. It'd probably look like a scene from The Blues Brothers
Synchronized dancing robots!! Amazing...
YouTube - World Premiere: 20 Nao Robots Dancing in Synchronized Harmony
[flash=480,385:28joqqxp][/flash:28joqqxp] -
Aye!!! Robot!
Where's will Smith when you need him?
I tell ya. . there's technology you can use. . .a chorus line of Dancing robots.
"I hope I get it! I hope I get It!"