Component > make not unique
Is there a way to make two or more components "not unique" ie, identical, after they have been created.
For example if you built an object, made it a group, multiple copied it, did some other stuff, then later decided you wanted to edit all instances of said object. You could make them all components, but could you make them all the same component?
You can, but it's kind of long-winded. Right-click one of the groups and turn it into a component. Then in the component browser, save that component as an external file to your desktop.
Now r-click and turn all the other groups into components...just let them be named the default group#2, group#3 etc.
Now r-click them all again and this time choose Reload from the context menu and navigate to the saved skp on your desktop. This way they will all end up as the same component. -
I suppose if you dont mind it being a bit long winded, you could change everytihng into seperate components and then use the 'replace with selected' that you get when you right click a compnent in the component browser. It would save on the export at least.
Yeah great, both those methods will work. The long-windedness is not too bad especially the "replace selected" option. Anyway it's the price we pay for not thinking ahead
perhpas that would be a nice feature for SketchUp 7 - that you can replace groups by a component as well (just by right clicking on a component in the component window)
and just that you dont get confused, because you changed a group into a component every other minute, it would be a fine thing, if the bounding boxes of groups and components were different (at the moment, if you enter a group/component it is just dotted lines. components for example could have chain dotted lined bounding boxes)
Yes I like it
Hi folks.
Personnaly, I would simply:
1 - Make the component from one of the group.
2 - Copy it, using the groups to help in positionning, rotating, etc.
3 - Delete the groups.
Just ideas.