Hi Gaieus,
Thanks for the posting. Since Kris mentioned earlier in the thread that we needed to input information about the web page and photos, i have been completing the dialogue box that Bruce recently posted.I notice however that this information does not appear in my Browser window, but my html file reference. Cannot understand that.
Keywords. What keywords would you be using to fill in the diallgue box in Bruce's recent posting.I will be off line for most of the day and will have time this evening to deal with this and Bruce's recent lesson.
Alan, these are metatags thus they aren't really for the visitors at first sight. What's more, generally whatever is in the <head> section, cannot be seen out on the page (the title is a bit exceptional but you need to call your page somehow).
Description would be - as I said - displayed by serch engines: thus they should be short and meaningful. No more than say 200-250 characters.
Keywords can be anything you think are descriptive of your site. Say woodworking, japanese cut, dovetail, pigtail (maybe not that
) etc. Divide them with commas. They won't be displayed either (and Google for instance does not even use them for rating) but can help search engines find your site easier. They also count how many times people click on your page-links and from what search words you receive the most clicks.
If you're interested, sign up for Google Sitemaps and you'll have a whole lot of options to find these things out.
Hi Gaieus,
Picked that up. I will look into all of this soon.
I will sign up to Google sitemaps as suggested.
Thank you
PS pigtails, now how can I include that. -
Maybe pony tails? Or fairy tales?
I would like to rename this Thread...
to Blogs and Website Building and move it to the misc. area in tutorials?what does everyone think of that?
now i have 2 projects set up, each one using a kind of navigation. the sevillha project uses the method of assigning a picture to each number. in the casa_RAC project i tested the previous/next way of moving around.
one thing is bothering me: the opening page for the architectural projetcs shows a vertical list of items for one to choose from. i would like them to be aligned at the right but could not find where and how to do it. could you help me with that?
cheers and thank you.
another thing. my imagens take some time to appear even though my machine is quite powerful. how do they look to you? are they too heavy?
@krisidious said:
I would like to rename this Thread...
to Blogs and Website Building and move it to the misc. area in tutorials?what does everyone think of that?
ok with me.
Hi Kris,
Okay with me,
PS I'll be getting on with my lesson soon. -
no it's just me and my idea... just let me know when you can... no hurry... I take you mean links to the thread? if so Coen has a way to redirect them, automatically...
Yes moving it at some point would be a good idea, but while it is still so active, I think it should stay here for now imo.
Hi Modelhead,
Finished that lesson thanks.I know that my result is not very tidy, I know that I need to reposition the navigation bars a pixel this way or that.
results can be seen at you
hi alan,
this looks quite nice. you put together the two ways of navigation, which can be helpful. i did one study for each.
and the SU models are great! keep it up.
Hi Edson,
Thanks for that. I think we are both heading alone the right path.
Not sure yet if the previous, next buttons will be used that much, but I thought I would do the exercise, just to understand how it was done.A quicker way, I think, of adding a background colour, rather than adding a coloured text box behind the numbers, is to add an active image, under customise the navigation bars. Problem is, when I was doing the exercise I could not find a colour on my computer do download.
So I'm going to have a look for one now.
AlanFound it under clipart. So I now have two ways of doing that.
playing with the iframes i realized that perhaps one of the reasons to use them is not to repeat tediously the same actions.
in order to do what i posted here last i had to do one complete page per image. multiply that for 20+ projects and it becomes lots of work. if i use an iframe i can have an outer page with the info that does not change while the images are located inside the iframe.
i am sure there must be more to it but is that assumption correct?
Yes that's exactly one of the main things an iFrame is good for. Less work for the programmer on that end.
But also consider that when a visitor downloads your page, he/she only needs to download the main page once and only change the content of the iFrame. So it also improves browsing experience because they don't need to wait until the whole content downloads again (certainly there are some elements that are already in the cache of the browser though).You just need to carefully size the content as well as the iFrame so there is no problem with viewing whatever is in there.
Hi Guys,
Now that I have this facility, I will be able to upgrade my web site so that it is much more user friendly, much better than scrolling down and sideways.
Alan. -
Well, Bruce, congrats!
I might start some crazy topic about reconstructional archaeology (or archaeological reconstruction) or something myself to get attention!
But then all of you have to contribute to that topic, too!
hey, bruce, this is great news. i am glad i am part of this thread.
i am more than happy that your generosity to us is being rewarded. and in the best possible way, too: you never intended it to happen but people found you and offered you a job. it only comes to prove that those who behave well sooner or later will have good things happen to them. i am not preaching here, this is a fact of life.
so, i wish you the best in this new task you are undertaking and am sure you will help them a lot.
keep us informed of your progress there, if you may.
I have sort of followed this topic for a while now as i'm currently building a website for myself and was looking out for anything useful which might help me. I've not used the yahoo site builder thing before, so i've no idea what its like. From wha i can tell its a wysiwyg editor. But i couldn't help noticing that some of the pages you've made aren't valid html/css.
Personally if its a business' site I think its important for it to be valid, as well as being semantically correct, ie if you have a paragraph, use a paragraph element. If you have a list, use a list item element and using tables for tabulating data, and not structuring the page. And ideally presentation should be separate from structure, ie css separated into a css file.
done correctly everyone can access and read your page, whether its from a desktop pc, handheld device, screen reader (for vision impaired users) or a text browser such as lynx.
Not sure how important you think it is, or whether you've considered this already , but thought i'd mention it.