Grading the site plan / contour map?
I've been working on this project for quite some time and the client is now requesting using the actual grading plan to cut and fill the land plan and topography map.
They were wow'd with the land plan illustration. They were more wow'd with the land plan laid onto the imported contours with a small animation showing the site in 3D. They were blown away with the models of the proposed architecture and generic cut and fill of the sample lots (not on topography). Now they want to see the actual grading plan implemented with the land plan on 3D site with models of proposed architecture.
I have the land plan conpleted in SketchUp, redrawn from the AutCAD file. I have the site plan in SketchUp created from the contours imported from AutoCAD.
So here is my dilemma...the grading plan is not 3D and is this even possible?? I can drape the land plan onto the topo, and stamp the pads, but obviously it isn't going to be right, especially when it comes to the streets being cut and filled properly.
I have been looking at Simuterra, but the program hasn't been updated since mid 2005 and will require a bit of a learning curve to work with.
Any suggestions, ideas or hope?
- topic:timeago-later,6 months
This YouTube video covers some aspects fo terrain data from Autocad into SketchUp.
The audio is mumbled and some comments on the video suggest there may be easier ways, but this might help point you in the right direction.
I'm not going to say this isn't possible in sketchup, but you may be better off importing it into an actual civil application. Especially when trying to do cut/fill/balance reports.
We recently purchased Carlson Software's civil module for Autocad. You can check them out at
Carlson probably has one of the shortest learning curves of all the civil apps, and it's price is low compared to autodesk alternatives, but this is assuming you are VERY WELL VERSED in autocad to begin with.
Anyway maybe someone knows something about doing more advanced civil work with sketchup that I don't. I've searched for cut and fill rubies before and not found anything.
I'm sure SU7 will have this built in.
i would stick with simuterra. it is dirt cheap, works smoothly with SUp and the learning curve is not really that steep. and the maker is really helpful with you send him an email for help. he says he is going to resume developing it.
Have a look at the SketchUp Basecamp video "Working With Terrain and Other Irregular Surfaces" that Daniel Tal gave.
Another on would be "SketchUp and AutoCAD" Mitchel Stangl and Daniel TalHope it helps.