How to make a waterfall?
You can go a long way just in SU by using some png files. The surface tension will tend to pull the ends in slightly too.
That's right, Alan...
But unfortunately you can't get a real nice render with these "manipulated" models... -
Alpro> (And all others)..Here is the link for Bryce 5.5..Got any questions feel free to ask.. you will have to type the link in..If it doesn't work again..Simply do a Google for "Daz Bryce 5.5 free"
and the link is there..Sorry -
Interesting challenge this, I have done water with ripples but never a waterfall.
I will give it a go after my current project. (SU my favourite toy) -
Okay I found some time this Saturday morning to play with my favorite app.
First a quick setup screen capture of the hidden lines.
And then the rendering with bumped textures.
If I took more time with the mesh manipulation, texturing and vegetation layout I am sure I could reach a higher level of realism, but this is just a waterfall test and I got work to do
Thanks for sharing the stages. It's quite helpful in getting a better understanding how you are going from SketchUp to your beautiful renders.
thanks, pete. this is a helluva waterfall.
with all the lessons i was given in this topic i'd better live up to them and present my own soon.
This is great info guys. I have a waterfall/water slide project that I never finished (client ran out of money
). So I am getting inspired
No wonder why they call you the "Texture King", Pete...!!
It looks really awesome..! -
Err, I mean: "WOW, Pete!"
Thanks guys, I appreciate the compliments.
That's fantastic Pete!
How did you manage to shift that statue from Easter Island into your backyard?
Cheers Bill. -
Damn, that night shot is amazing. Out of curiousity how high was the water reflection set (always trying to learn)?
I could'nt move the statue, so i built the fountain around it.
alpro, water I generally set at 65%
hi pete,
thanks for the effort. my favorite is the daylight scene. somehow the night scene looks like a glass slab rather than a sheet of running water.
I agree with you, I need to find a different bump for the night effect.
Here is my attempt with a smaller fall.
I thought this might be a fun challenge. Unfortunately my end product looks like a BBQ gone wild.
Could use more 'splash' at the pool.
Have a sparkling week,
i like it CADrex, altohugh i reckon it could do with a bit less thickness. seems youve got the transparency and texturing pretty spot on thoguh.