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"the look of an unshaved pussy"
"Somebody call Satan, his cat got loose again."
"you think that's bad? wait till you see the house!"
How many times do I have to tell you not to call him 'Snowball'?
'let the ground tremble with fear, for the age of cat-handed-men is upon us'
Three down, only one Chinese restuarant to go.
AHHHHHH!!!!! HELP! This man's hand is NOT in a GOOD place!
"I burned the house on purpose... LOOK AT ME!!"
"Seriously guys, we should have gotten a dalmation!"
They use a groundhog to determine the end of Winter, but who knew that a cat was used to determine if a house is haunted?
"You want me to throw him back?"
P: crojack
this cat keeps calling my name, said Meow.
"No, I had to bring him out."
"I felt bad... I used him to put out the fire in the front room." -
Mild salsa, my a..!
Here, don't worry about your frozen cat. I'll throw it on the embers - It'll thaw out and be as good as new.
The first visuals of the legendary 'Beago-dile'
"Animals in clothes have we finally gone too far? Sign the petition!"
people are voting on the new improved and less offensive 'Poop-scoop'