A fun little game.
Granted,now you need to hope, want, desire, dream etc instead.
I wish Modo was easier to learn...
Granted but then you have to forget everything about Podium...
I wish I had three wishes then (instead just dreaming and such...)
Granted but the other 2 are password protected requiring you to use 2 of the 3 to get the passwords.
I wish I had an A1 touch sensitive 3D screen and SketchUp v15
Granted but your processor is a Pentium 133 with 16mb ram.
I wish I could see the future
Granted but I am afraid I don't need to find out anything "restrictive" here for that wouldn't be a happy thing for you anyways...
I wish I could see the past then!
granted, but you can only see 1 second into the past
i wish blender made sense
Granted but you can only make smoothies with it.
I wish I had the fastest computer on the planet.
Granted but there wouldn't be software for it.
I wish I could select that one second (above)!
Granted but these seconds are archived on the fastest and biggest computer on the planet. And the owner is Boofredlay.
I wish english was my mother tongue.
Granted...but then you'd be clueless to the subtleties of thought of users of all other languages.
I wish I was multilingual.
Granted but the Roman empire never disintegrated and the whole world speaks Latin .
I wish I'd bought Microsoft shares in 1977
Granted but you only bought 2 shares and sold them in 1978.
I wish I had a burrito about now.
Granted, but the day before you pick your copy up your mouse mat turns into sandpaper, your mouse turns into kindling and your finger tips turn into matches in a genetic laboratory "incident".
I wish I didn't have to sleep... ever.
Granted, but soon you want to sleep, and you can't.
I wish I had more time every day.
Granted but now there are only 6 days a week and you have to work 5.
I wish I could read minds.
Granted, but you can't shut off all the noise.
I wish I could type with more fingers.
Granted, but from now on all computer keyboards have only one key.
I wish it was tomorrow (I'm going to Sweden on holiday )
Granted, but the weather will be Scottish
I wish I could have a holiday now
Granted... you are fired.
I wish I were Superman.