[Tutorial > Modeling] How a Pro Builds a House in SU pt 2
Great thread!
I just got into SketchUp a few weeks ago, and did a mock-up of my home renovation plans. It came out pretty good, but I sure wish I had seen this tutorial first. I learned a lot of what you're advising the hard way-- through making lots of stupid mistakes.
I'm fortunate in that I'm starting with a .dwg file, so I don't need to trace anything. I look forward to rebuilding my house using your instructions.
This is a very cool post Krisidious, but where is part One? please. NEVER MIND just found the link.
Larry, here.
Thanks Gaieus, got it.
I have a question though, forgive me if it has been explained already. Why make the floorplan a texture? I import my plans as a picture file, then line it up on the x,y,z axis.
Krisidious, I think building this way will solve a problem I have been having, trying to pushpull window cutouts in a wall that is not 90 degrees to the axis. Just have not been able to do it. YOur way looks like it should work.
This is a great tut. Got anything on using the sandbox tools?
Very good tutorial - I'm very new to SU, so please excuse this question, but i got lost in step 4 - how can i extrude another face on top of the door volume? tried drawing a new face on top of the door, but i always pull the original volume.
thx a lot
Hi M(arc?),
Try to hit the Ctr key first to create a new face while using the Push/Pull tool (if I understand your question well)
thx a lot - that's it.
Marc -
That's what? The "Marc" or the Ctrl!Push/Pull?
is part 1 of "how a pro....a house in su" still available?
thanks for the link. I am a newby and hope this will help me get starting. What's bothering me most is the stickiness of SU, being used to proframs like Vectorworks and Autocad.
%(#008040)[Hello Gaieus, José Manuel, hello everyone.
I just a most interesting tutorial on how to do a SU model from a jpg file. Very thorough and clear. I learnet a lot from it. Cograts to Krisidious.]
Tut is great.but i am a beginer.How to trace in sketchup?
Just grab the pencil tool and start drawing on the surface of the image.
Try to align your image as close to the axes as possible so that you can make use of axis inference rather than fight with it. -
Good morning all.
I've searched, but cannot seem to find the third part of this great tutorial. Any help would be appreciated.
there isnt a third part yet, fingers crossed it will be coming soon.
Any progress on Part 3? I learned so much from Parts 1 & 2!
So...... all we need now for Part 4
is a set of similar simple turtorials that explain how to use (autocad, progecad - insert your cad program of choice) to come up with the constuction documents from our beautiful and fun to create Sketchup models.
I work for a realestate company and we are trying to learn how to better use sketchup to create floorplans. I see that you are rather knowledgable about the program and was wondering if you having any advice. I have no problem with making the outline but am unaware about line thickness for the scale of the wall. Also was wondering if i could skan my graph paper and draw over it. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
I work for a realestate company and we are trying to use sketch up to create floorplans. Is this the right program and do you know where to find tutorials on how adjust line thickness.